Multiple Choice Questions on Comparative Embryology

By | December 29, 2023

1. Birds hatch from eggs laid by female, which process of development is this an example of?
A) Oviparity
B) Viviparity
C) Ovoviviparity
D) Parthenogenesis

2. Cows and humans show which type of embryonic development?
A) Oviparity
B) Viviparity
C) Ovoviviparity
D) Parthenogenesis

3. Reptiles exhibit primarily which mode of reproduction?
A) Oviparity
B) Viviparity
C) Ovoviviparity
D) Parthenogenesis

4. Frogs and some fish exhibit which type of development?
A) Oviparity
B) Viviparity
C) Ovoviviparity
D) Parthenogenesis

5. Development of embryo inside egg laid by mother characterizes which mode?
A) Oviparity
B) Viviparity
C) Ovoviviparity
D) Parthenogenesis

6. Skates and rays exhibit live birth without placental connection, an example of:
A) Oviparity
B) Viviparity
C) Ovoviviparity
D) Ovuliparity

7. Hydra exhibit which type of reproduction?
A) Sexual
B) Asexual
C) Parthenogenesis
D) Fragmentation

8. Sea stars exhibit which mode of development?
A) Metamorphosis
B) Cleavage
C) Blastulation
D) Gastrulation

9. Ascidian tadpole develops by which process?
A) Metamorphosis
B) Neoteny
C) Paedomorphosis
D) Protandry

10. Salamanders larvae exhibit which type of development?
A) Metamorphosis
B) Viviparity
C) Ovoviviparity
D) Ovuliparity

11. Butterflies develop by which mode?
A) Metamorphosis
B) Parthenogenesis
C) Viviparity
D) Oophagy

12. Frog tadpoles develop by which process?
A) Metamorphosis
B) Cleavage
C) Gastrulation
D) Osmoregulation

13. Which phylum shows indirect development?
A) Arthropoda
B) Coelenterata
C) Echinodermata
D) Annelida

14. Mammals lack which embryonic structure present in other vertebrates?
A) Notochord
B) Post anal tail
C) Yolk sac
D) Allantois

15. Birds lack which embryonic feature found in other amniotes?
A) Amnion
B) Chorion
C) Allantois
D) Yolk sac

16. Monotremes lay eggs and feed their young on milk, they exhibit which trait?
A) Prototherian
B) Avemetatherian
C) Theriiformes
D) Sacciform

17. Reptiles possess which extra embryonic membrane not found in birds or mammals?
A) Amnion only
B) Chorion and amnion
C) Yolk sac and amnion
D) Chorion only

18. Frogs and fish show which cell movements during gastrulation?
A) Invagination
B) Involution
C) Eversion
D) Delamination

19. Sea urchin larvae exhibit which cell movement during gastrulation?
A) Involution
B) Invagination
C) Eversion
D) Delamination

20. Formation of blastula occurs by which process in animals?
A) Cleavage
B) Blastulation
C) Gastrulation
D) Neurulation

21. Nurse shark and skate eggs show which membrane around yolk?
A) Chorion
B) Amnion
C) Vitelline membrane
D) Serosa

22. Ascidian larvae exhibit which type of larva?
A) Trochophore
B) Bilaterian
C) Leech
D) Molluscan

23. Chicken embryo develops outside mother, it shows:
A) Ovoviparity
B) Oviparity
C) Viviparity
D) Ovoviviparity

24. Vertebrate notochord is present in:
A) Adult tunicates
B) Larval ascidians
C) Adult insects
D) Adult echinoderms

25. Ascidian larvae later become sessile adults, this change exhibits:
A) Metamorphosis
B) Neoteny
C) Paedomorphosis
D) Progenesis

26. Frogs show which sequence – Tadpole to froglet?
A) Metamorphosis
B) Neoteny
C) Paedomorphosis
D) Protogyny

27. Mammals lack which structure present in other amniotes?
A) Chorion
B) Amnion
C) Allantois
D) Yolk sac

28. Birds lack which structure found in other amniotes?
A) Chorion
B) Amnion
C) Yolk sac
D) Allantois

29. Monotreme egg contains:
A) Vitelline sac only
B) Vitelline sac and yolk
C) Vitelline sac, yolk and albumen
D) Vitelline membrane only

30. Bilateral symmetry arises in animal development by:
A) Cleavage
B) Blastulation
C) Gastrulation
D) Neurulation

31. Shark and frog embryos exhibit which character during development?
A) Radial symmetry
B) Bilateral symmetry
C) Asymmetry
D) Polar lobe formation

32. What characteristic embryonic feature links tunicates and vertebrates?
A) Notochord
B) Trochophore larva
C) Radial cleavage
D) Coelom

33. Development of worms is marked by:
A) Spiral cleavage
B) Radial cleavage
C) Bilateral symmetry
D) Indirect development

34. In ascidians, tadpole larvae later develop into:
A) Hermaphrodites
B) Monoecious
C) Dioecious
D) Sessile adults

35. Bdellostoma exhibits which larval stage modification:
A) Neoteny
B) Paedomorphosis
C) Protandry
D) Progenesis

36. Marsupials exhibit which mode of development:
A) Marsupialization
B) Oviparity
C) Viviparity
D) Ovoviviparity

37. Birds lack which extraembryonic membrane found in other amniotes?
A) Chorion
B) Allantois
C) Amnion
D) Yolk sac

38. Salmon juveniles exhibit which larval stage specialization:
A) Metamorphosis
B) Neoteny
C) Paedomorphosis
D) Protandry

39. Chick embryo forms outside mother, it shows characteristics of:
A) Ovoviviparity
B) Oviparity
C) Viviparity
D) Ovuliparity

40. Mesoderm arises in frog early by which cell movement?
A) Delamination
B) Involution
C) Egression
D) Ingression