Category Archives: articles

Lab-Grown Meat: The Future of Sustainable Food Production

Lab-grown meat, also known as cultured meat, is a revolutionary development in the food industry, aiming to provide a sustainable and ethical alternative to traditional animal farming. This innovative approach involves cultivating meat from animal cells in a controlled environment, eliminating the need for slaughtering animals. As concerns about environmental sustainability, animal welfare, and food… Read More »

The Maxilla: Cornerstone of Facial Structure and Function

The maxilla, commonly known as the upper jawbone, is a crucial component of the human skull. This paired bone plays a vital role in facial structure, dental alignment, and various physiological functions. In this comprehensive overview, we’ll explore the anatomy, development, functions, and clinical significance of the maxilla. Anatomy of the Maxilla The maxilla is… Read More »

Lady Health Workers program in Pakistan

  Pakistan’s Lady Health Workers Program An honest opinion on the program successes and challenges by Peers for progress (A program of the American academy of Family Physicians Foundation). Supporting Lady Health Workers Program A report prepared for UNICEF’s next generation. This report highlighted the progress made by Lady Health workers program and UNICEF contribution… Read More »

Neonatal sepsis

  Bacteremia and resistant gram-negative pathogens among under-fives in Tanzania (2013) This study was done in Tanzania to know antibiotic resistant pattern in bactermia cases of age 2-59 months who were brought to hospital with history of fever.Article is published in Italian Journal of Pediatrics. Molecular Assays in the Diagnosis of Neonatal Sepsis: A Systematic… Read More »