Histology mnemonics

By | August 7, 2023


1. “Apple, Banana, and Cherry” – ABC of exocrine glands: Acinus, Basement membrane, and Centroacinar cells.
2. “Tall Girls Always Look Beautiful” – Layers of epidermis (from deep to superficial): Stratum basale, Stratum spinosum, Stratum granulosum, Stratum lucidum, Stratum corneum.
3. “The Skinny Cat’s Got a Skinny Tail” – Components of a neuron (from cell body to axon): Dendrites, Soma (cell body), Axon, Axon terminal.
4. “Keep Pounding M&Ms Until Lunch” – Connective tissue types (from least to most abundant): Cartilage, Peripheral nervous tissue, Muscle, Bone, Dense irregular connective tissue, Loose connective tissue.
5. “Run Like Hell, My Brain Can’t” – Layers of meninges (from outer to inner): Dura mater, Arachnoid mater, Pia mater.
6. “You Are Such a Smoothie” – Layers of the tunica media in blood vessels (from outer to inner): Adventitia, Media, Intima (for large arteries and veins).
7. “No Cats, But Goats” – Cell types in the gastric glands (from neck to base): Mucous neck cells, Chief cells, Parietal cells, G cells.
8. “Silly Squamous Girls Look Super Pink” – Types of epithelia (from least to most protective): Simple squamous, Simple cuboidal, Simple columnar, Stratified squamous, Pseudostratified columnar.
9. “The TV Room in the Basement” – Thymus functions as the T-cell factory (T stands for Thymus).
10. “Great People Sing Loudly” – Structures in the conducting portion of the respiratory system (from trachea to bronchioles): Trachea, Primary bronchi, Secondary bronchi, Lobar (tertiary) bronchi.
11. “Can’t Leave Home Without Them” – The three germ layers (from outer to inner): Ectoderm, Mesoderm, Endoderm.
12. “Air Goes In and Food Goes Down” – Structures of the upper respiratory tract (from superior to inferior): Nasal cavity, Oral cavity, Larynx, Pharynx, Esophagus.
13. “If You Like Fun, Don’t Do Drugs” – The different types of cartilage (from most to least rigid): Hyaline, Yellow elastic, Fibrocartilage, Dense regular.
14. “All People Deserve Good Health” – Layers of the alimentary canal (from outer to inner): Adventitia, Parietal peritoneum, Digestive layer, Mucosa, Lamina propria, Muscularis mucosae.
15. “The Skinny Cat has Smooth Moves” – Types of muscle (from least to most control): Skeletal, Cardiac, Smooth.
16. “Malt Makes Good Beer” – MALT (Mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue) locations: Mucosa of gastrointestinal, respiratory, and genitourinary tracts, tonsils.
17. “Good Girls Love Sex” – Layers of the adrenal cortex (from outer to inner): Glomerulosa, Fasciculata, Reticularis, Zona Medulla.
18. “Sundays in June are Lovely” – Layers of the epidermis in thin skin (from outer to inner): Stratum corneum, Stratum lucidum, Stratum granulosum, Stratum spinosum, Stratum basale.
19. “Come, Let’s Get Sunburned” – Layers of the epidermis in thick skin (from outer to inner): Stratum corneum, Stratum lucidum, Stratum granulosum, Stratum spinosum, Stratum basale.
20. “Mother-in-law of a Terrible Dad” – Cell types in the seminiferous tubules of the testes (from outer to inner): Myoid cells, Interstitial (Leydig) cells, Spermatogenic cells, Sertoli cells, Dark (Tight) spermatogonia.
21. “Cute Skinny Girls Love Diamonds” – Layers of the small intestine wall (from outer to inner): Circular muscle, Submucosa, Mucosa, and Lamina propria, Duodenal glands.
22. “Squishy Gooey Stuff Always Smells” – Layers of the cerebellar cortex (from outer to inner): Molecular layer, Granular layer, Purkinje cell layer, White matter.
23. “Dead Boys Drinking Cold Beer” – Structures of the male urethra (from outer to inner): Dual urethral sphincter, Bulbous urethra, Prostatic urethra, Membranous urethra, Cavernous urethra.
24. “Pizza Delivered Fast, Please” – Layers of the eye (from outer to inner): Pigmented epithelium, Dlucaspartan, Fenestrated endothelium, Posterior limiting lamina.
25. “Good Little Cells Produce Synovial Fluid” – Cell types in the seminiferous tubules of the testes (from outer to inner): Germinal epithelium, Sertoli cells, Leydig cells, Primitive sex cords, Synovial tissue.
26. “Kings Play Chess On Fine Grained Sand” – Cell types in the nephron (from proximal to distal): Kidney corpuscle, Proximal convoluted tubule, Capillary network, Distal convoluted tubule, Glomerulus, Afferent arteriole, Efferent arteriole, Macula densa, Collecting duct, Stratum griseum profundum, Stratum opticum, Stratum zonale.
27. “Naughty People Need More Alcohol” – Cells in the epidermis of thick skin (from outer to inner): Stratum corneum, Stratum granulosum, Stratum lucidum, Stratum spinosum, Stratum basale.
28. “Silly Willie Found Sperm Out” – Layers of the epidermis in thick skin (from outer to inner): Stratum corneum, Stratum granulosum, Stratum spinosum, Stratum basale.
29. “Flossy Gill’s Skill Fades” – Cells in the nephron (from proximal to distal): Bowman’s capsule, Glomerulus, Bowman’s space, Parietal layer, Glomerular capillaries, Visceral layer, Podocytes, Mesangial cells.
30. “When Will Men Eat?” – Cells in the seminiferous tubules of the testes (from outer to inner): Spermatogenic cells, Sertoli cells, Myoid cells, Epididymis, Lobules, Interstitial cells, Tubules, Monocytes, Early spermatids, Late spermatids, Spermatogonia.
31. “Sweet Cupcakes Always Get Eaten” – Layers of the epidermis (from deep to superficial): Stratum basale, Stratum spinosum, Stratum granulosum, Stratum

lucidum, Stratum corneum.
32. “Boys Will Be Boys” – Cells in the ovarian follicles (from outer to inner): Theca externa, Theca interna, Granulosa cells, Basement membrane, Zona pellucida, Corona radiata, Oocyte.
33. “Never Let Monkeys Eat Bananas” – Cell types in the nephron (from proximal to distal): Nephron loop, Collecting duct, Macula densa, Epididymis, Bowmans’s capsule.
34. “Silly Boys Play Catch Outside” – Layers of the cerebellar cortex (from outer to inner): Superficial cortex, Purkinje cell layer, Molecular layer, Granular layer, White matter.
35. “Glazed Doughnuts Bake Best” – Layers of the epidermis (from deep to superficial): Stratum basale, Stratum spinosum, Stratum granulosum, Stratum corneum.
36. “Every Fish Must Produce Tons” – Cell types in the nephron (from proximal to distal): Early distal convoluted tubule, Fine tubule, Early distal tubule, Thick tubule, Macula densa, Proximal convoluted tubule, Tubular fluid.
37. “Sweet Sausage Can’t Eat Anything” – Cells in the nephron (from proximal to distal): Bowman’s capsule, Tubular fluid, Collecting duct, Distal convoluted tubule, Early distal tubule, Fine tubule, Thick tubule, Macula densa, Proximal convoluted tubule.
38. “Sweet Guys Prefer Blondes” – Cells in the nephron (from proximal to distal): Spermatic granulosa cells, Proximal convoluted tubule, Filamentous distal tubule, Thick tubule, Macula densa, Erythematous convoluted tubule, Proximal tubule.
39. “New Girls Infiltrate Men” – Layers of the ovary (from outer to inner): New, Granulosa cells, Internal theca cells, Membrane, Antrum, Internal granulosa cells, Membrane.
40. “Girls Letting Microscopes Focus” – Cell types in the seminiferous tubules of the testes (from outer to inner): Granulosa cells, Leydig cells, Microvillar cells, Focus, Grained cells, Sertoli cells, Monocytes.
41. “Every Good Boy Deserves Fun” – Cell types in the epidermis of thick skin (from outer to inner): Epithelial, Granular, Basal, Dermal, Fascia.
42. “Sweet Parrots Make Girls Sing” – Cell types in the ovarian follicles (from outer to inner): Stratum parietale, Granulosa cells, Membrane, Germinal epithelium, Stratum granulosum.
43. “Every Boy Deserves Fun” – Cells in the epidermis of thick skin (from outer to inner): Epidermis, Basal, Dermis, Fascia.
44. “Grandpa Joe Is My Hero” – Layers of the small intestine wall (from outer to inner): Glomerulus, Jejunum, Ileum, Mucosa, Haustra, Internal (Mucosal), Submucosa.
45. “Guinea Pig Lies Sleepily” – Cell types in the seminiferous tubules of the testes (from outer to inner): Sertoli cells, Pneumatic cells, Leydig cells, Seminiferous tubules, Lobules, Interstitial cells, Leydig cells, Spermatids, Sertoli cells.
46. “Best Students Ever” – Layers of the epidermis in thin skin (from outer to inner): Epidermis, Slight granules, Thin layer, Membrane, Spermatogonia, Basement membrane.
47. “Girls Love More” – Cell types in the seminiferous tubules of the testes (from outer to inner): Granulosa cells, Leydig cells, Monocytes, Sertoli cells.
48. “Always Dry, Silly Girls Say So” – Cell types in the seminiferous tubules of the testes (from outer to inner): Adipose cells, Ducts, Seminiferous tubules, Seminiferous tubules, Seminiferous tubules, Sertoli cells.
49. “Every Little Bunny Stays Hidden” – Cell types in the ovarian follicles (from outer to inner): Epithelial cells, Lutein cells, Basal membrane, Stratum granulosum, Stratum basale.
50. “Girls Love Shopping At Malls” – Layers of the cerebellar cortex (from outer to inner): Gray matter, Granular layer, Stratum molecular, Molecular layer.