TLDV (Too Long Didn’t View) for AI powered meeting recorder

By | April 28, 2023

TLDV (Too Long Didn’t View) is an AI-powered tool for recording and summarizing meetings, making it easier for participants to review the key takeaways without having to watch the entire recording. This tool uses natural language processing and machine learning algorithms to generate an automated summary of the meeting, highlighting the most important points discussed.

One of the most impressive features of TLDV is its ability to generate a summary in real time. This means that users can get a quick overview of the meeting while it’s still fresh in their minds, allowing them to take action on any important points right away. This is especially useful for busy professionals who don’t have the time to watch a full recording of the meeting.

Another great feature of TLDV is its ability to identify the most relevant parts of the conversation, based on keywords and key phrases. This helps users to quickly find the information they need without having to sift through the entire recording.

In addition to its automated summary feature, TLDV also offers a user-friendly interface that is easy to navigate. The platform is well-organized and offers a variety of tools and resources to help users review and share the meeting summary with others.

Overall, TLDV is a highly effective tool for recording and summarizing meetings, making it easier for participants to review and take action on the key takeaways. Its use of natural language processing and machine learning algorithms makes it a valuable tool for busy professionals who need to stay on top of their meetings without spending too much time watching the recordings.