Multiple Choice Questions on the Clavicle bone

By | April 14, 2024

1. The clavicle is classified as a:
A) Short bone
B) Flat bone
C) Long bone
D) Irregular bone

2. The clavicle articulates with which of the following bones?
A) Scapula and sternum
B) Humerus and scapula
C) Sternum and ribs
D) Scapula and vertebrae

3. Which muscle attaches to the lateral third of the clavicle?
A) Sternocleidomastoid
B) Deltoid
C) Pectoralis major
D) Trapezius

4. A fracture of the middle third of the clavicle is commonly called:
A) Colle’s fracture
B) Galeazzi fracture
C) Monteggia fracture
D) Midshaft clavicle fracture

5. The subclavian vein passes:
A) Anterior to the clavicle
B) Posterior to the clavicle
C) Superior to the clavicle
D) Inferior to the clavicle

6. Which nerve is at risk for injury with a midshaft clavicle fracture?
A) Axillary nerve
B) Musculocutaneous nerve
C) Radial nerve
D) Ulnar nerve

7. An infant with a clavicle fracture is concerning for:
A) Child abuse
B) Osteogenesis imperfecta
C) Vitamin D deficiency
D) A and B

8. The clavicle begins to ossify:
A) During the 5th week of gestation
B) At birth
C) During the 5th year of life
D) During adolescence

9. A massive hematoma over the clavicle raises concern for injury to which artery?
A) Subclavian artery
B) Axillary artery
C) Brachial artery
D) Radial artery

10. What percentage of clavicle fractures are located in the middle third?
A) 15%
B) 69%
C) 28%
D) 3%

11. The conoid and trapezoid ligaments attach the clavicle to which structure?
A) First rib
B) Coracoid process
C) Acromion
D) Spinous process of C7

12. Which movement of the shoulder is restricted with a clavicle fracture?
A) Abduction
B) External rotation
C) Internal rotation
D) All of the above

13. An older patient with a clavicle fracture has increased risk for:
A) Malunion
B) Nonunion
C) Osteomyelitis
D) B and C

14. The clavipectoral fascia attaches to:
A) The medial end of the clavicle
B) The lateral third of the clavicle
C) The inferior surface of the clavicle
D) The superior surface of the clavicle

15. What nerve travels between the clavicle and first rib?
A) Axillary nerve
B) Musculocutaneous nerve
C) Radial nerve
D) Ulnar nerve

16. The clavicle acts as a strut to keep the shoulder girdle:
A) Protracted
B) Retracted
C) Elevated
D) Depressed

17. Fracture of the medial clavicle can injure which structure?
A) Subclavian vein
B) Internal jugular vein
C) Trachea
D) Esophagus

18. Which muscle deformity is seen with a midshaft clavicle fracture?
A) Winging of the scapula
B) Bunched deltoid
C) Flail shoulder
D) None of the above

19. Pseudarthrosis is a complication of:
A) Malunion
B) Nonunion
C) Osteomyelitis
D) All of the above

20. The clavicle forms the “bridge” between which two bones?
A) Scapula and sternum
B) Scapula and humerus
C) Sternum and humerus
D) Sternum and ribs

21. What is the function of the costoclavicular ligament?
A) Attaches clavicle to first rib
B) Limits protraction of shoulder
C) Limits retraction of shoulder
D) A and C

22. The sternoclavicular joint is a type of:
A) Hinge joint
B) Pivot joint
C) Saddle joint
D) Ball and socket joint

23. At birth, what percentage of the clavicle is cartilaginous?
A) 10%
B) 25%
C) 50%
D) 75%

24. Which of the following fracture patterns is most common in clavicle fractures?
A) Transverse
B) Oblique
C) Spiral
D) Comminuted

25. The clavicle acts as a strut to transmit forces from the:
A) Arm to trunk
B) Trunk to arm
C) Scapula to sternum
D) Both A and B

26. Clavicle fractures in adults most commonly occur due to:
A) Motor vehicle accidents
B) Falls
C) Sports injuries
D) All of the above

27. An anterior clavicle dislocation would cause compression of which structure?
A) Trachea
B) Esophagus
C) Brachial plexus
D) Subclavian artery

28. Clavicle malunion can lead to:
A) Shoulder impingement
B) Thoracic outlet syndrome
C) Frozen shoulder
D) All of the above

29. The costoclavicular ligament is also known as:
A) Conoid ligament
B) Trapezoid ligament
C) Rhomboid ligament
D) None of the above

30. Clavicle fractures are more common in which gender?
A) Males
B) Females
C) Equal incidence


1. C
2. A
3. B
4. D
5. B
6. A
7. D
8. A
9. A
10. B
11. B
12. D
13. D
14. A
15. A
16. C
17. A
18. C
19. B
20. A
21. D
22. C
23. B
24. B
25. D
26. D
27. A
28. D
29. C
30. A