Clinical MCQs on the spinal cord

By | April 14, 2024

1. A 45-year-old patient presents with sudden onset of bilateral leg weakness and loss of sensation below the umbilicus after a motor vehicle accident. This is most suggestive of:
A. Cervical spinal cord injury
B. Thoracic spinal cord injury
C. Lumbar spinal cord injury
D. Cauda equina syndrome

2. A 60-year-old patient with a history of cervical spondylosis develops progressive weakness in the upper extremities and difficulty with fine motor movements. This is most likely due to compression of which part of the spinal cord?
A. Cervical
B. Thoracic
C. Lumbar
D. Sacral

3. A 35-year-old patient with a history of intravenous drug use presents with fever, back pain, and progressive weakness in the lower extremities. This is most concerning for:
A. Spinal cord compression
B. Spinal epidural abscess
C. Transverse myelitis
D. Guillain-Barré syndrome

4. A 25-year-old patient sustains a gunshot wound to the thoracic spine. Imaging reveals a spinal cord injury at the T6 level. Which of the following is the most common presenting symptom?
A. Paraplegia
B. Quadriplegia
C. Bowel and bladder dysfunction
D. Loss of sensation below the level of injury

5. A 70-year-old patient with metastatic cancer develops sudden onset of severe back pain and progressive weakness in the lower extremities. This is most concerning for:
A. Spinal cord compression
B. Spinal epidural abscess
C. Transverse myelitis
D. Guillain-Barré syndrome

6. A 40-year-old patient with a history of multiple sclerosis presents with episodic symptoms of weakness, numbness, and tingling in the lower extremities. This is most likely due to a lesion in which part of the spinal cord?
A. Cervical
B. Thoracic
C. Lumbar
D. Sacral

7. A 55-year-old patient with a history of rheumatoid arthritis develops progressive weakness and numbness in the upper extremities. This is most likely due to compression of which part of the spinal cord?
A. Cervical
B. Thoracic
C. Lumbar
D. Sacral

8. A 30-year-old patient sustains a penetrating injury to the lumbar spine. Imaging reveals a spinal cord injury at the L3 level. Which of the following is the most common presenting symptom?
A. Paraplegia
B. Quadriplegia
C. Bowel and bladder dysfunction
D. Loss of sensation below the level of injury

9. A 50-year-old patient with a history of diabetes mellitus develops progressive weakness and numbness in the lower extremities. This is most concerning for:
A. Spinal cord compression
B. Spinal epidural abscess
C. Transverse myelitis
D. Diabetic neuropathy

10. A 65-year-old patient with a history of osteoporosis sustains a minor trauma and develops sudden onset of severe back pain and progressive weakness in the lower extremities. This is most concerning for:
A. Spinal cord compression
B. Spinal epidural abscess
C. Transverse myelitis
D. Guillain-Barré syndrome

11. A 40-year-old patient with a history of multiple sclerosis presents with episodic symptoms of weakness, numbness, and tingling in the upper extremities. This is most likely due to a lesion in which part of the spinal cord?
A. Cervical
B. Thoracic
C. Lumbar
D. Sacral

12. A 20-year-old patient sustains a diving injury and develops immediate onset of quadriplegia and loss of sensation below the neck. This is most suggestive of a spinal cord injury at which level?
A. Cervical
B. Thoracic
C. Lumbar
D. Sacral

13. A 45-year-old patient with a history of intravenous drug use presents with fever, back pain, and progressive weakness in the upper extremities. This is most concerning for:
A. Spinal cord compression
B. Spinal epidural abscess
C. Transverse myelitis
D. Guillain-Barré syndrome

14. A 60-year-old patient with metastatic cancer develops sudden onset of severe back pain and progressive weakness in the upper extremities. This is most concerning for:
A. Spinal cord compression
B. Spinal epidural abscess
C. Transverse myelitis
D. Guillain-Barré syndrome

15. A 35-year-old patient with a history of multiple sclerosis presents with episodic symptoms of bowel and bladder dysfunction. This is most likely due to a lesion in which part of the spinal cord?
A. Cervical
B. Thoracic
C. Lumbar
D. Sacral

16. A 70-year-old patient with a history of osteoporosis sustains a minor trauma and develops sudden onset of severe back pain and progressive weakness in the upper extremities. This is most concerning for:
A. Spinal cord compression
B. Spinal epidural abscess
C. Transverse myelitis
D. Guillain-Barré syndrome

17. A 25-year-old patient sustains a gunshot wound to the cervical spine. Imaging reveals a spinal cord injury at the C5 level. Which of the following is the most common presenting symptom?
A. Paraplegia
B. Quadriplegia
C. Bowel and bladder dysfunction
D. Loss of sensation below the level of injury

18. A 50-year-old patient with a history of diabetes mellitus develops progressive weakness and numbness in the upper extremities. This is most concerning for:
A. Spinal cord compression
B. Spinal epidural abscess
C. Transverse myelitis
D. Diabetic neuropathy

19. A 40-year-old patient with a history of intravenous drug use presents with fever, back pain, and progressive weakness in the lower extremities. Imaging reveals a spinal epidural abscess. Which of the following is the most appropriate initial management?
A. Antibiotic therapy
B. Surgical decompression
C. Steroid therapy
D. Both A and B

20. A 55-year-old patient with a history of rheumatoid arthritis develops progressive weakness and numbness in the lower extremities. This is most likely due to compression of which part of the spinal cord?
A. Cervical
B. Thoracic
C. Lumbar
D. Sacral

21. A 30-year-old patient sustains a penetrating injury to the thoracic spine. Imaging reveals a spinal cord injury at the T10 level. Which of the following is the most common presenting symptom?
A. Paraplegia
B. Quadriplegia
C. Bowel and bladder dysfunction
D. Loss of sensation below the level of injury

22. A 65-year-old patient with a history of osteoporosis sustains a minor trauma and develops sudden onset of severe back pain and progressive weakness in the lower extremities. Imaging reveals spinal cord compression. Which of the following is the most appropriate initial management?
A. Antibiotic therapy
B. Surgical decompression
C. Steroid therapy
D. Both B and C

23. A 45-year-old patient with a history of multiple sclerosis presents with episodic symptoms of weakness, numbness, and tingling in the upper and lower extremities. This is most likely due to lesions in which parts of the spinal cord?
A. Cervical and thoracic
B. Thoracic and lumbar
C. Lumbar and sacral
D. All levels of the spinal cord

24. A 20-year-old patient sustains a diving injury and develops immediate onset of paraplegia and loss of sensation below the level of injury. This is most suggestive of a spinal cord injury at which level?
A. Cervical
B. Thoracic
C. Lumbar
D. Sacral