MCQs on Basic Life Support (BLS)

By | June 13, 2024
  1. What is the first step in Basic Life Support?
    • a) Call for help
    • b) Check for responsiveness
    • c) Start chest compressions
    • d) Give rescue breaths
  2. What is the recommended rate for chest compressions during CPR?
    • a) 60-80 per minute
    • b) 80-100 per minute
    • c) 100-120 per minute
    • d) 120-140 per minute
  3. How deep should chest compressions be for an adult?
    • a) At least 1 inch
    • b) At least 2 inches
    • c) At least 3 inches
    • d) At least 4 inches
  4. What is the compression-to-ventilation ratio for an adult in single-rescuer CPR?
    • a) 15:2
    • b) 20:2
    • c) 30:2
    • d) 40:2
  5. Which of the following is NOT a sign of effective chest compressions?
    • a) Adequate depth
    • b) Correct rate
    • c) Minimal interruptions
    • d) Chest not recoiling fully
  6. What should you do if the victim is unresponsive and not breathing normally?
    • a) Call for help and start CPR
    • b) Wait for EMS to arrive
    • c) Give rescue breaths only
    • d) Perform the Heimlich maneuver
  7. What is the first link in the adult Chain of Survival?
    • a) Early CPR
    • b) Rapid defibrillation
    • c) Advanced life support
    • d) Early recognition and activation of the emergency response system
  8. What is the main purpose of chest compressions?
    • a) To provide oxygen to the lungs
    • b) To keep the airway open
    • c) To circulate blood to vital organs
    • d) To shock the heart back into a normal rhythm
  9. What is the proper hand placement for chest compressions on an adult?
    • a) On the lower half of the sternum
    • b) On the upper half of the sternum
    • c) On the left side of the chest
    • d) On the right side of the chest
  10. How often should you switch chest compressors during CPR to avoid fatigue?
    • a) Every 1 minute
    • b) Every 2 minutes
    • c) Every 5 minutes
    • d) Every 10 minutes
  11. In 2-rescuer adult CPR, what should the second rescuer do while the first rescuer starts chest compressions?
    • a) Call for help
    • b) Attach the AED
    • c) Give rescue breaths
    • d) Perform a head-tilt, chin-lift maneuver
  12. What is the correct compression depth for infants?
    • a) About 1 inch
    • b) About 1.5 inches
    • c) About 2 inches
    • d) About 2.5 inches
  13. What is the compression-to-ventilation ratio for a child when two rescuers are present?
    • a) 15:2
    • b) 20:2
    • c) 30:2
    • d) 40:2
  14. How should you open the airway of an unresponsive adult?
    • a) Jaw-thrust maneuver
    • b) Head-tilt, chin-lift maneuver
    • c) Heimlich maneuver
    • d) Finger sweep
  15. What is the purpose of defibrillation?
    • a) To restart a stopped heart
    • b) To treat heart blockages
    • c) To correct an abnormal heart rhythm
    • d) To provide oxygen to the brain
  16. When should you use an AED?
    • a) When the person is unresponsive and not breathing normally
    • b) When the person is responsive but has chest pain
    • c) When the person is having a seizure
    • d) When the person has a broken bone
  17. What should you do immediately after the AED delivers a shock?
    • a) Check for a pulse
    • b) Start chest compressions
    • c) Give rescue breaths
    • d) Wait for the AED to reanalyze
  18. What is the correct ratio of chest compressions to ventilations for newborns?
    • a) 15:2
    • b) 20:2
    • c) 30:2
    • d) 3:1
  19. When performing CPR on an adult, how often should rescue breaths be given?
    • a) Every 5 seconds
    • b) Every 10 seconds
    • c) Every 15 seconds
    • d) Every 30 seconds
  20. What is the recommended compression rate for infants and children during CPR?
    • a) 80-100 per minute
    • b) 100-120 per minute
    • c) 120-140 per minute
    • d) 140-160 per minute
  21. Where should you place AED pads on an adult?
    • a) One on the right chest, one on the left chest
    • b) One on the left chest, one on the back
    • c) Both on the right chest
    • d) Both on the left chest
  22. How long should you check for breathing before starting CPR?
    • a) At least 5 seconds
    • b) At least 10 seconds
    • c) At least 15 seconds
    • d) At least 20 seconds
  23. What should you do if the chest does not rise when giving a rescue breath?
    • a) Give another breath quickly
    • b) Reopen the airway and try again
    • c) Check for a pulse
    • d) Stop CPR and call for help
  24. How can you minimize the risk of gastric inflation during rescue breaths?
    • a) By blowing hard and fast
    • b) By using a bag-mask device
    • c) By providing slow, gentle breaths
    • d) By performing the Heimlich maneuver
  25. What is the first step in using an AED?
    • a) Attach the pads
    • b) Turn on the AED
    • c) Check for a pulse
    • d) Start chest compressions
  26. What should you do if a person is choking and unable to speak or cough?
    • a) Perform abdominal thrusts
    • b) Perform a head-tilt, chin-lift
    • c) Give rescue breaths
    • d) Perform chest compressions
  27. In which situation should you perform chest compressions on a pregnant woman?
    • a) Only if she is in cardiac arrest
    • b) Only if she is choking
    • c) Only if she is unresponsive
    • d) Only if she has low blood pressure
  28. What is the preferred method for delivering rescue breaths to an infant?
    • a) Mouth-to-mouth
    • b) Mouth-to-nose
    • c) Mouth-to-mouth and nose
    • d) Bag-mask ventilation
  29. What is the best way to determine if rescue breaths are effective?
    • a) Listen for breath sounds
    • b) Look for chest rise
    • c) Check for a pulse
    • d) Feel for air movement
  30. How should you position your hands when giving chest compressions to an infant?
    • a) One hand on the chest, one hand on the head
    • b) Two fingers on the chest
    • c) Both hands on the chest
    • d) One hand on the chest, one hand on the back
  31. What should you do if you witness a collapse and the person is unresponsive?
    • a) Start chest compressions immediately
    • b) Call for help and get an AED
    • c) Check for breathing for 30 seconds
    • d) Give rescue breaths
  32. Which of the following is NOT a part of the recovery position?
    • a) Lying on the side
    • b) Head tilted back
    • c) Arms extended straight
    • d) Mouth open
  33. What is the main benefit of early defibrillation?
    • a) It increases the chance of survival
    • b) It eliminates the need for CPR
    • c) It reduces the need for advanced care
    • d) It speeds up the arrival of EMS
  34. What should you do if an AED advises “No shock advised”?
    • a) Continue chest compressions
    • b) Recheck the pulse
    • c) Turn off the AED
    • d) Give rescue breaths
  35. How can you tell if an airway obstruction is mild?
    • a) The person cannot speak or cough
    • b) The person has high-pitched breathing sounds
    • c) The person is unconscious
    • d) The person can speak and cough
  36. Which of the following is a high-quality CPR component?
    • a) Shallow compressions
    • b) Slow compressions
    • c) Minimal interruptions
    • d) Frequent rescuer changes
  37. What should you do if you are alone and find an unresponsive infant?
    • a) Call for help immediately
    • b) Give two minutes of CPR before calling for help
    • c) Perform the Heimlich maneuver
    • d) Wait for EMS to arrive
  38. When using a bag-mask device, how should you hold the mask?
    • a) With one hand
    • b) With two hands
    • c) With your mouth
    • d) With your fingers
  39. How should you deliver chest compressions to a child if you are the only rescuer?
    • a) Use two fingers
    • b) Use the heel of one hand
    • c) Use both hands
    • d) Use the heel of both hands
  40. What is the most important action in the Chain of Survival?
    • a) Early CPR
    • b) Rapid defibrillation
    • c) Early recognition and activation
    • d) Advanced life support
  41. How should you provide chest compressions to an adult during CPR?
    • a) With your fingers
    • b) With your knuckles
    • c) With the heel of one hand
    • d) With the heel of both hands
  42. What should you do if an infant is unresponsive but has a pulse?
    • a) Perform chest compressions only
    • b) Give rescue breaths only
    • c) Perform the Heimlich maneuver
    • d) Wait for EMS to arrive
  43. Which of the following is a common cause of sudden cardiac arrest?
    • a) Hypothermia
    • b) Hyperventilation
    • c) Myocardial infarction
    • d) Hypertension
  44. What should you do if the AED pads do not fit on a small child?
    • a) Use only one pad
    • b) Place the pads on the chest and back
    • c) Cut the pads to fit
    • d) Do not use the AED
  45. What is the recommended action if a choking victim becomes unresponsive?
    • a) Perform chest compressions and check the airway
    • b) Give rescue breaths and chest compressions
    • c) Perform abdominal thrusts
    • d) Wait for EMS to arrive
  46. What should you do if the AED malfunctions during use?
    • a) Continue using the AED
    • b) Switch to manual CPR
    • c) Call for a replacement AED
    • d) Wait for EMS to arrive
  47. When should you start CPR on a drowning victim?
    • a) After 2 minutes of rescue breathing
    • b) Immediately upon finding the victim
    • c) After checking for a pulse
    • d) After calling for help
  48. How should you respond if a person is having a heart attack but is still conscious?
    • a) Start chest compressions
    • b) Call for help and keep the person calm
    • c) Give rescue breaths
    • d) Perform the Heimlich maneuver
  49. What is the purpose of the recovery position?
    • a) To provide chest compressions
    • b) To maintain a clear airway
    • c) To give rescue breaths
    • d) To deliver defibrillation
  50. How should you perform chest compressions on a pregnant woman?
    • a) Just like any other adult
    • b) With one hand only
    • c) Using abdominal thrusts instead
    • d) With manual uterine displacement
  51. What is the most effective way to provide oxygen to a person in respiratory arrest?
    • a) Mouth-to-mouth ventilation
    • b) Bag-mask ventilation
    • c) Chest compressions
    • d) Defibrillation
  52. What is the first action you should take if you find a person unresponsive and not breathing?
    • a) Give rescue breaths
    • b) Perform a Heimlich maneuver
    • c) Call for help
    • d) Start chest compressions
  53. How often should you deliver rescue breaths to a child during CPR?
    • a) Every 5 seconds
    • b) Every 6 seconds
    • c) Every 10 seconds
    • d) Every 12 seconds
  54. What should you do if the victim has a pulse but is not breathing?
    • a) Perform chest compressions
    • b) Give rescue breaths
    • c) Use an AED
    • d) Wait for EMS to arrive
  55. When performing CPR, how can you reduce the risk of rib fractures?
    • a) Use shallow compressions
    • b) Avoid compressing too quickly
    • c) Place hands lower on the sternum
    • d) Ensure proper hand placement and compression depth
  56. What should you do if you are unsure whether a person needs CPR?
    • a) Perform chest compressions and rescue breaths
    • b) Wait for EMS to arrive
    • c) Perform the Heimlich maneuver
    • d) Check for a pulse every 10 seconds
  57. What is the most common rhythm in out-of-hospital cardiac arrest that requires defibrillation?
    • a) Asystole
    • b) Ventricular fibrillation
    • c) Pulseless electrical activity
    • d) Atrial fibrillation
  58. Which of the following is NOT an appropriate action if you witness someone suddenly collapse?
    • a) Start CPR immediately
    • b) Use the Heimlich maneuver
    • c) Call for help
    • d) Get an AED
  59. How should you position a child for chest compressions during CPR?
    • a) Lying flat on a firm surface
    • b) Sitting up
    • c) Lying on their side
    • d) In the recovery position
  60. What is the most important factor for increasing the survival rate of cardiac arrest victims?
    • a) Early recognition and activation of EMS
    • b) Advanced life support
    • c) High-quality CPR
    • d) Medication administration
  61. When should you give rescue breaths during CPR for an adult?
    • a) After every 10 compressions
    • b) After every 30 compressions
    • c) After every 50 compressions
    • d) After every 100 compressions
  62. Which of the following actions should be avoided during CPR?
    • a) Giving shallow compressions
    • b) Minimizing interruptions
    • c) Ensuring full chest recoil
    • d) Providing adequate ventilation
  63. How should you perform chest compressions on a child during CPR?
    • a) With one hand on the chest and the other on the head
    • b) With two fingers on the chest
    • c) With the heel of one hand or both hands
    • d) With the heel of one hand only
  64. What is the best way to ensure chest compressions are effective?
    • a) By compressing quickly
    • b) By ensuring full chest recoil
    • c) By minimizing interruptions
    • d) By performing the head-tilt, chin-lift maneuver
  65. What should you do if the AED advises to “Check electrodes”?
    • a) Replace the electrodes
    • b) Continue CPR
    • c) Ensure the electrodes are properly attached
    • d) Turn off the AED
  66. What should you do if a person is choking but can still speak and cough?
    • a) Perform abdominal thrusts
    • b) Encourage them to cough
    • c) Perform chest compressions
    • d) Give rescue breaths
  67. What is the purpose of providing rescue breaths?
    • a) To restore a normal heart rhythm
    • b) To maintain blood circulation
    • c) To provide oxygen to the lungs
    • d) To clear the airway
  68. What should you do if you find an unresponsive adult who is breathing normally?
    • a) Start chest compressions
    • b) Give rescue breaths
    • c) Place them in the recovery position
    • d) Perform a Heimlich maneuver
  69. How should you perform CPR on an obese person?
    • a) With shallow compressions
    • b) Using the same technique as on an average person
    • c) With deeper compressions
    • d) By avoiding chest compressions
  70. When should you start CPR on an infant?
    • a) When they are unresponsive and not breathing
    • b) When they are coughing
    • c) When they are crying
    • d) When they are choking
  71. What should you do if you feel resistance when giving a rescue breath?
    • a) Continue giving breaths
    • b) Check for airway obstruction
    • c) Start chest compressions
    • d) Turn the person on their side
  72. What is the proper technique for giving rescue breaths to a child?
    • a) Use a bag-mask device
    • b) Perform mouth-to-mouth ventilation
    • c) Perform mouth-to-nose ventilation
    • d) Perform mouth-to-mouth and nose ventilation
  73. What is the first step in assessing an unresponsive person?
    • a) Call for help
    • b) Check for breathing
    • c) Give rescue breaths
    • d) Start chest compressions
  74. How can you ensure you are delivering high-quality chest compressions?
    • a) By performing rapid compressions
    • b) By using the correct hand placement
    • c) By compressing to the proper depth and rate
    • d) By alternating rescuers frequently