MCQs on Suicide Prevention

By | January 1, 2024

1. Which of the following is NOT a risk factor for suicide?
A. Access to firearms
B. Social isolation
C. Female gender
D. Good mental health

2. Which statement about suicide prevention is TRUE?
A. Openly asking someone if they are considering suicide may encourage them
B. Most suicidal individuals do not truly want to die
C. People who talk about suicide rarely go on to attempt it
D. Discussing suicide only increases the likelihood of attempts

3. Which of the following may indicate increased risk for suicide?
A. Withdrawing from social contact
B. Putting affairs in order
C. Increased substance abuse
D. All of the above

4. If someone is experiencing thoughts of suicide, it is important to:
A. Call emergency services immediately
B. Ask direct questions about suicide
C. Listen without judgment and convey care and concern
D. Promise to keep their thoughts a secret

5. Which of the following reduces the risk of suicide?
A. Restricting access to lethal means like firearms or medications
B. Social support and community involvement
C. Treatment for mental health conditions
D. All of the above

6. Most common method of suicide completion among older adults is:
A. Firearms
B. Poisoning
C. Asphyxia
D. Falls from heights

7. Suicide risk is higher in individuals with which psychiatric diagnosis:
A. Major depressive disorder
B. Schizophrenia
C. Bipolar disorder
D. All of the above

8. Warning signs of suicide risk include:
A. Withdrawal from friends and loss of interest
B. Dramatic mood changes
C. Putting affairs in order and giving away prized possessions
D. All of the above

9. Which of the following is NOT an effective way to help prevent suicide:
A. Limiting access to lethal means
B. Promoting help-seeking behavior
C. Asking less questions about suicidal thoughts
D. Caring for individuals in a non-judgemental manner

10. According to the Centers for Disease Control, suicide rates in the US have:
A. Decreased over the past decade
B. Remained stable
C. Increased by over 30% since 1999
D. More than doubled in the past 20 years

11. An effective way to help prevent suicide is to:
A. Avoid asking direct questions about suicide
B. Focus on alternative solutions to problems
C. Be empathetic and non-judgemental in listening
D. Promise to keep suicidal thoughts a secret

12. Warning signs of imminent suicide risk include:
A. Insomnia
B. Loss of interest
C. Giving away prized possessions
D. All of the above

13. Which demographic has the highest suicide rate in the US?
A. Elderly males
B. Young adult females
C. Middle aged males
D. Adolescent females

14. The suicide rate in the US has:
A. Declined over the past 20 years
B. Remained relatively stable
C. Increased significantly in recent years
D. More than doubled since 2000

15. Research shows that the strongest predictor of suicide is:
A. Depression
B. Alcoholism
C. Schizophrenia
D. Bipolar disorder

16. Which is NOT an evidence-based approach to suicide prevention?
A. Limiting access to lethal means
B. Screening for risk factors
C. Promising confidentiality
D. Supporting help-seeking behavior

17. Warning signs of suicide risk do NOT include:
A. Withdrawal from friends
B. Sudden calmness after a period of depression
C. Sudden cheerfulness after a period of depression
D. Putting affairs in order

18. Which statement about suicide is TRUE?
A. Most suicidal individuals truly want to die
B. Talking about suicide is unlikely to increase risk
C. Asking direct questions can encourage suicidal behavior
D. Suicidal thoughts always indicate severe mental illness

19. Which group has seen the largest percentage increase in suicide rates in recent years?
A. Middle aged males
B. Adolescent males
C. Elderly females
D. Young adult males

20. Asking someone directly if they are considering suicide is:
A. Recommended to assess risk
B. Not recommended as it may increase rather than decrease risk
C. Only helpful if they have shown other warning signs
D. Culturally inappropriate in most contexts

21. Protective factors against suicide include:
A. Responsibilities like childcare obligations
B. Strong social support network
C. Ready access to firearms in the home

D. Recent substance abuse treatment

22. Which intervention has been shown to effectively reduce access to lethal means:
A. Counseling and therapy
B. Limiting alcohol availability
C. Firearm safety counseling
D. Reducing access to medications

23. Risk factors for suicide in veterans include:
A. Depression and other mental health conditions
B. Access to firearms
C. Social isolation
D. All of the above

24. Effective treatments for reducing suicide risk include:
A. Psychotherapy
B. Antidepressant medications
C. Coordination of care
D. All of the above

25. Warning signs indicating acute risk include:
A. Insomnia
B. Rage or anger
C. Giving away prized possessions
D. None of the above

26. Reducing access to highly lethal means (such as firearms) has been shown to:
A. Increase suicide attempts but decrease completions
B. Have no impact on suicide rates
C. Increase the overall suicide rate
D. Only impact suicides among gun owners

27. Protective factors against suicide include:
A. Financial problems
B. Strong social support networks
C. Recent relationship problems
D. Access to firearms

28. Effective postvention strategies aim to:
A. Prevent suicide contagion
B. Assess and treat risk factors in vulnerable contacts
C. Coordinate wraparound support services
D. All of the above

29. Risk factors for suicide among LGBTQ populations include:
A. Family rejection due to sexual orientation or gender identity
B. Experiences of discrimination, victimization and abuse
C. Both of the above
D. Neither of the above

30. Warning signs that indicate high immediate suicide risk:
A. Insomnia
B. Agitation or panic attacks
C. Suddenly seeming calm or happy after a depressive period
D. Drug or alcohol abuse

31. According to the National Strategy for Suicide Prevention, a priority is to:
A. Promote connectedness between individuals and their communities
B. Foster resilience, prevention and early intervention
C. Recognize that suicide prevention requires a multi-pronged approach
D. All of the above

32. Research has found that suicide contagion can occur through:
A. Stories about suicide in the news media
B. Accounts shared on social media
C. Both (a) and (b)
D. Suicide has not been shown to be contagious

33. Which of the following has NOT been shown to effectively reduce suicide rates:
A. Improving economic conditions
B. Limiting access to lethal means
C. Coordinated community-based prevention programs
D. Counselling and therapy alone

34. Risk factors for suicide among veterans include:
A. Depression from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
B. Use of firearms
C. Substance abuse disorders
D. All of the above

35. Regarding warning signs for suicide, which statement is FALSE:
A. Most people display a noticeable change in behavior before making an attempt
B. Suicidal thoughts are always a sign of severe mental illness
C. Changes in sleep or appetite can indicate increased risk
D. Preoccupation with death and dying is a common warning sign

36. An effective way to help prevent suicide contagion is to:
A. Provide extensive news coverage of suicide deaths
B. Report on suicide in a sensationalized manner
C. Encourage responsible media reporting from medical experts
D. Not report on suicide at all to avoid awareness

37. Characteristics of communities with lower suicide rates include:
A. Economic distress
B. Strong social supports
C. Easy access to lethal means
D. High unemployment rates

38. Which strategy is NOT considered an effective component of community-based suicide prevention programs:
A. Limiting access to lethal means for at-risk groups
B. Coordinating care between behavioral health and medical services
C. Social media-based messaging campaigns
D. Suicide awareness and education training

39. Protective factors against suicide include:
A. Financial problems
B. Easy access to firearms
C. Responsibilities like childcare
D. Severe physical illness

40. Risk assessment should explore all of the following EXCEPT:
A. Access to lethal means
B. Warning signs and protective factors
C. Suicidal thoughts without any plans or intent
D. Substance abuse or mental health conditions