Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) on STROBE Checklist

By | January 16, 2025
  • What does STROBE stand for?
    A) Standardized Testing of Research and Observational Bias Evaluation
    B) Strengthening the Reporting of Observational Studies in Epidemiology
    C) Systematic Trials of Research and Observational Biology Efforts
    D) Statistical Reporting of Baseline Epidemiology
    Answer: B
  • The STROBE checklist is primarily designed for reporting:
    A) Randomized controlled trials
    B) Observational studies
    C) Case series
    D) Systematic reviews
    Answer: B
  • Which types of studies does the STROBE checklist apply to?
    A) Cohort studies
    B) Case-control studies
    C) Cross-sectional studies
    D) All of the above
    Answer: D
  • How many items are included in the STROBE checklist?
    A) 15
    B) 22
    C) 25
    D) 30
    Answer: C
  • Which section of a study report does the STROBE checklist recommend starting with?
    A) Abstract
    B) Methods
    C) Title
    D) Introduction
    Answer: C
  • According to STROBE, the title or abstract should include:
    A) Study location and design
    B) Hypotheses tested
    C) Details of statistical analysis
    D) Participant incentives
    Answer: A
  • In the STROBE introduction, authors must clearly state the:
    A) Study design
    B) Rationale, objectives, and background
    C) Statistical power
    D) Funding sources
    Answer: B
  • Which component is not included in the STROBE checklist?
    A) Data collection methods
    B) Experimental protocol
    C) Statistical analysis
    D) Limitations
    Answer: B
  • STROBE requires that participant eligibility criteria be stated in the:
    A) Results section
    B) Discussion section
    C) Methods section
    D) Abstract
    Answer: C
  • The STROBE checklist emphasizes reporting:
    A) Baseline data of all groups
    B) Differences in exposure groups
    C) Both A and B
    D) None of the above
    Answer: C
  • What should the methods section include according to STROBE?
    A) Study design
    B) Data collection and definitions
    C) Statistical methods
    D) All of the above
    Answer: D
  • Which of the following is not required under “Study Design” in STROBE?
    A) Sample size calculation
    B) Rationale for study design
    C) Implementation of randomization
    D) Description of bias handling
    Answer: C
  • In a cohort study, STROBE requires authors to describe:
    A) Time period of follow-up
    B) Outcomes measured
    C) Methods for handling missing data
    D) All of the above
    Answer: D
  • When reporting outcomes in case-control studies, STROBE recommends:
    A) Including case definitions
    B) Ensuring comparable control selection
    C) Reporting matching criteria
    D) All of the above
    Answer: D
  • STROBE recommends using which flowchart to depict study participants?
    A) STROBE flowchart
    B) PRISMA flowchart
    C) CONSORT flowchart
    D) Customized flowchart
    Answer: D
  • In observational studies, STROBE emphasizes adjusting for:
    A) Ethical review
    B) Baseline imbalances
    C) Confounding variables
    D) Recruitment time
    Answer: C
  • The results section in the STROBE checklist should include:
    A) Baseline descriptive data
    B) Number of participants analyzed
    C) Estimates and confidence intervals
    D) All of the above
    Answer: D
  • Which statistical details does STROBE emphasize?
    A) Model selection criteria
    B) Adjusted and unadjusted estimates
    C) Sensitivity analyses
    D) All of the above
    Answer: D
  • When presenting baseline characteristics, STROBE recommends:
    A) Summarizing data for all groups
    B) Highlighting imbalances in groups
    C) Presenting absolute and relative frequencies
    D) All of the above
    Answer: D
  • Which of the following is required for data presentation in STROBE?
    A) Use of tables and graphs
    B) Raw data appendix
    C) Only descriptive text
    D) None of the above
    Answer: A
  • Which section discusses the limitations of the study in the STROBE checklist?
    A) Introduction
    B) Results
    C) Discussion
    D) Methods
    Answer: C
  • STROBE recommends discussing potential biases in the:
    A) Title
    B) Methods
    C) Results
    D) Discussion
    Answer: D
  • In observational studies, the generalizability of findings should be discussed in the:
    A) Methods section
    B) Results section
    C) Discussion section
    D) Abstract
    Answer: C
  • According to STROBE, study funding and conflicts of interest must be disclosed in:
    A) Introduction
    B) Results
    C) Methods
    D) Other information section
    Answer: D
  • When addressing missing data, STROBE recommends:
    A) Describing methods used to handle missing data
    B) Reporting the amount of missing data
    C) Discussing the potential impact of missing data on results
    D) All of the above
    Answer: D