Practice your interviews with

By | October 25, 2023 is an AI-powered hiring platform that allows companies to conduct automated job interviews.

Some key aspects:

Interview Process – It uses natural language processing and machine learning to emulate live human interviews. Candidates can interview via voice or text chat.

Evaluation – The AI evaluates each candidate in real-time, analyzing responses and providing detailed scores on various competencies. This allows for objective, skills-based assessment.

Customization – Interviews can be customized based on any job role by inputting the job description. Companies can also add their own interview questions.

Technical Assessment – now offers live coding assessments, allowing candidates to demonstrate technical skills during interviews. Various programming languages are supported.

Pricing – Plans start from $79/month for 10 interviews and include additional features like custom questions and live coding at higher tiers—no long-term contracts.

Ease of Use – Setup looks straightforward with an interactive dashboard. Candidates can schedule interviews on their own. Companies get evaluation reports to aid decision-making.

Overall, offers an innovative AI-based solution to streamline hiring through automated and objective job interviews. The ability to assess both soft and technical skills could help identify the right candidates more efficiently. The pricing also seems reasonable for most small-sized businesses.