MCQs about systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE)

By | December 26, 2023

1. Which autoantibody is most commonly associated with SLE?
A) Rheumatoid factor
B) Antinuclear antibody
C) Anti-CCP antibody
D) Cryoglobulins

2. Which of the following is NOT a common clinical manifestation of SLE?
A) Arthritis
B) Vasculitis
C) Optic neuritis
D) Sjogren’s syndrome

3. Which organ system is most commonly affected in SLE?
A) Pulmonary
B) Renal
C) Cardiovascular
D) Neuropsychiatric

4. Which test is used to measure disease activity in SLE?
C) Complement levels
D) ANA titer

5. Which medication is typically used as a steroid-sparing agent in SLE?
A) Azathioprine
B) Methotrexate
C) Cyclophosphamide
D) Mycophenolate

6. Malar rash is considered a diagnostic criterion for SLE. What does it affect?
A) Ears
B) Palms
C) Face
D) Soles of feet

7. Which laboratory finding is associated with active lupus nephritis?
A) Low complement levels
B) Pyuria
C) Microscopic hematuria
D) Proteinuria

8. What percentage of patients with SLE will develop neuropsychiatric involvement?
A) 5-10%
B) 10-15%
C) 15-25%
D) Over 25%

9. Which autoantibody is associated with cardiac involvement in SLE?
A) Anti-Ro
B) Anti-La
C) Anti-RNP
D) Anti-Smith

10. Which medication is used as a first line treatment for mild to moderate SLE disease flares?
A) Plaquenil
B) Mycophenolate
C) Azathioprine
D) Prednisone

11. Which ethnic group is at highest risk for developing SLE?
A) African American
B) Hispanic
C) Asian
D) Caucasian

12. Positive tests for which autoantibodies are associated with increased risk of congenital heart block in infants?
A) Anti-SSA/Ro and anti-SSB/La
B) Anti-dsDNA
C) Anti-Sm
D) Rheumatoid factor

13. Which feature on exam may indicate pleurisy associated with SLE?
A) Costovertebral angle tenderness
B) Egophony
C) Tactile fremitus
D) Pleural friction rub

14. Livedo reticularis is a rash associated with which type of vasculitis seen in SLE?
A) Leukocytoclastic
B) Hypersensitivity
C) Large vessel
D) Microvascular

15. Which autoantibody is associated with sicca symptoms in SLE?
A) Anti-Ro
B) Rheumatoid factor
C) Complement levels

16. Raynaud’s phenomenon is associated with which specific autoantibody in SLE?
A) Anti-Ro
B) Anti-La
C) Anti-Smith
D) Anti-RNP

17. Which feature on CBC is commonly seen with active lupus?
A) Thrombocytosis
B) Leukopenia
C) Anemia
D) Eosinophilia

18. Which clinical manifestation of SLE requires IV cyclophosphamide for treatment?
A) Arthritis
B) Alopecia
C) Renal involvement
D) Serositis

19. Positive testing for which autoantibody is associated with CNS vasculitis in SLE?
A) Anti-dsDNA
B) Anti-Sm
C) Anti-cardiolipin
D) Anti-RNP

20. Who developed the SLEDAI scoring system for measuring lupus disease activity?
C) Gladman et al.
D) Liang et al.

21. SLE is an autoimmune condition where the body’s immune system mistakenly attacks which parts of the body?
A) Connective tissues
B) Fat cells
C) Cells of the nervous system
D) Its own tissues

22. Which autoantibody produced in SLE is directed against double-stranded (ds) DNA?
B) Anti-Ro
C) Anti-La
D) Anti-dsDNA

23. What percentage of SLE patients will eventually develop lupus nephritis if left untreated?
A) 10-20%
B) 30-40%
C) 50-60%
D) Over 70%

24. Which autoantibody produced in SLE is associated with musculoskeletal symptoms?
A) Anti-RNP
C) Anti-histone
D) Anti-Ro

25. What is the genetic basis for the development of SLE?
A) Monoclonal gammopathy
B) Presence of HLA genes
C) Deficiency of complement proteins
D) Autoantibody production

26. Which laboratory test is strongly positive in SLE but not specific for the disease?
A) Anti-dsDNA antibody
B) C3 level
C) Rheumatoid factor

27. Which feature on MRI of the brain may indicate neuropsychiatric involvement of SLE?
A) White matter lesions
B) Subdural hematoma
C) Arachnoid cyst
D) Pineal cyst

28. What test is useful in monitoring response to therapy and detecting disease flare in SLE?
A) Urinalysis
B) CRP level
C) Complement levels
D) RF titer

29. Which autoantibody produced in SLE is associated with photosensitivity?
A) Anti-Ro
B) Anti-La
C) Anti-Smith
D) Anti-dsDNA

30. What other autoimmune condition is strongly associated with SLE?
A) Rheumatoid arthritis
B) Primary Sjögren’s syndrome
C) Celiac disease
D) Multiple sclerosis