MCQs on anxiety disorders

By | December 20, 2023

1. Which of the following is NOT a first-line treatment for social anxiety disorder?
B. Paroxetine
C. Exposure therapy
D. Buspirone

2. A patient is experiencing panic attacks several times a week associated with a fear of having additional panic attacks or dying. This is consistent with:
D. Panic disorder

3. Beta blockers are useful treatment for which type of anxiety:
A. Social anxiety disorder
B. Generalized anxiety disorder
C. Specific phobias
D. Panic disorder

4. Exposure therapy involves:
A. Gradually decreasing time spent around feared stimuli
B. Having a safety item available during exposure
C. Abrupt exposure to highly feared stimuli
D. Prolonged exposure to feared stimuli without escape

5. Which antidepressant has shown efficacy in OCD at higher than typical antidepressant doses?
A. Fluoxetine
B. Sertraline
C. Paroxetine
D. Clomipramine

6. Which is not a side effect of benzodiazepine withdrawal?
A. Insomnia
B. Anxiety
C. Seizures
D. Euphoria

7. SSRIs are considered first-line treatment for anxiety disorders because:
A. They have a lower risk of abuse than benzodiazepines
B. Onset of effect is faster than other antidepressants
C. They are effective for comorbid depression
D. They selectively inhibit serotonin reuptake

8. CBT involves all of the following EXCEPT:
A. Cognitive restructuring
B. Exposure therapy
C. Medication management
D. Relaxation training

9. A patient is having recurrent, unwanted thoughts about contamination and germs. He engages in compulsive behaviors like handwashing to feel less anxious. This fits the diagnosis of:
D. Social anxiety disorder

10. Augmentation with which medication could be considered if an SSRI is not helping social anxiety?
A. Buspirone
B. Pregabalin
C. Hydroxyzine
D. Propranolol

11. All are symptoms of GAD EXCEPT:
A. Irritability
B. Muscle tension
C. Avoidance behavior
D. Restlessness

12. Exposure therapy for specific phobias would involve:
A. Gradual exposure to feared stimuli
B. Providing relaxation techniques
C. Encouraging cognitive restructuring
D. All of the above

13. The treatment of choice for PTSD is:
B. D-cycloserine
C. Prolonged exposure therapy
D. Eye movement desensitization and reprocessing

14. Benzodiazepines are NOT considered first-line for anxiety due to:
A. Risk of dependence
B. Slow onset of action
C. Lack of efficacy for comorbid depression
D. Potential for abuse

15. All are cognitive distortions seen in anxiety EXCEPT:
A. Catastrophizing
B. Fortunetelling
C. Personalization
D. Discounting positives

16. Exposure therapy involves all of the following EXCEPT:
A. Developing a fear hierarchy
B. Providing relaxation techniques during exposure
C. Prolonged exposure to feared stimuli
D. Gradual exposure to less feared stimuli first

17. Which therapy directly targets faulty thought patterns and beliefs in anxiety?
B. Exposure therapy
C. Systematic desensitization
D. Paradoxical intention

18. Social anxiety disorder would be effectively treated with:
A. Cognitive therapy
B. Exposure therapy
C. Systematic desensitization
D. All of the above

19. Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors are considered first-line due to their:
A. Fast onset of action
B. Efficacy for comorbid depression
C. Safety in overdose
D. All of the above

20. Exposure therapy follows which learning principle:
A. Habituation
B. Association
C. Systematic desensitization
D. Counterconditioning

21. The goal of exposure therapy is:
A. Reduction of anxiety in the long-term
B. Positive reinforcement of approach behaviors
C. Habituation to feared stimuli and situations
D. Cognitive restructuring

22. Prolonged exposure therapy for PTSD involves:
A. In vivo and imaginal exposure to traumatic memories and triggers
B. Cognitive restructuring alone
C. Desensitization through relaxation training
D. Medication management

23. A patient has unwanted, intrusive thoughts about contamination and engages in compulsive cleaning rituals. This is classified under:
A. Illness anxiety disorder
B. Hoarding disorder
C. Body dysmorphic disorder

24. Cognitive distortions commonly seen in OCD include:
A. Magnification and catastrophizing
B. Filtering and disqualifying positives
C. Personalization and mind reading
D. All of the above

25. Which is a first-line medication choice for PTSD:
A. Duloxetine
B. Hydroxyzine
C. Prazosin
D. Buspirone

26. Which is not a side effect of long-term benzodiazepine use:
A. Tolerance
B. Withdrawal syndrome
C. Sedation
D. Euphoria

27. A patient describes periods of rapid heartbeat, sweating, trembling, feeling short of breath, dizziness, choking sensations that peak within 10 minutes. This is consistent with:
A. Panic attack
B. OCD symptoms
C. GAD symptoms
D. Depersonalization episodes

28. Exposure therapy involves all of the following EXCEPT:
A. Developing a fear hierarchy to target low to high fear situations gradually
B. Providing a safety item during exposures
C. Prolonged exposure without distraction or reassurance seeking
D. Gradual habituation to feared stimuli

29. Baseline physiologic symptoms seen in panic attacks include all of the following EXCEPT:
A. Sweating
B. Dizziness
C. Fatigue
D. Palpitations

30. Which SSRI requires higher than antidepressant dosing for OCD?
A. Citalopram
B. Escitalopram
C. Fluvoxamine
D. Fluoxetine

31. CBT aims to treat anxiety by addressing:
A. Maladaptive cognitions
B. Negative reinforcements of safety behaviors
C. Physiological arousal alone
D. Family dynamics contributing to anxiety

32. Which herbal supplement has conflicting evidence regarding efficacy in treating anxiety?
A. Valerian root
B. Kava
C. St. John’s wort
D. Ginseng

33. Techniques used in exposure therapy to reduce anxiety include:
A. Relaxation training
B. Cognitive restructuring
C. Encouragement of maladaptive habits
D. Prolonged exposure to feared situations

34. Exposure therapy follows the principle of:
A. Negative reinforcement
B. Reciprocal inhibition
C. Habituation
D. Counterconditioning

35. Exposure and response prevention therapy directly targets:
A. Dysfunctional thoughts in OCD
B. Reduction of physiological arousal
C. Safety behaviors that maintain symptoms
D. Family accommodation of OCD rituals

36. Paroxetine is FDA approved for treating which specific anxiety disorder:
B. Social anxiety disorder

37. Which SSRI requires the highest doses to treat OCD?
A. Citalopram
B. Paroxetine
C. Fluoxetine
D. Sertraline

38. CBT aims to treat anxiety by challenging:
A. Underlying biological vulnerabilities
B. Negative thought patterns and beliefs
C. Family dynamics contributing to anxiety
D. Safety behaviors maintaining anxiety

39. Pharmacotherapy alone without any accompanying therapy is:
A. A first-line treatment approach for OCD
B. Insufficient to achieve optimal results for PTSD
C. Equivalent to CBT for social anxiety disorder
D. Acceptable as long-term monotherapy for GAD

40. A key component of response prevention in ERP is:
A. Identifying and modifying maladaptive thoughts
B. Triggering anxiety through exposure to triggers
C. Not engaging in compulsive rituals or behaviors
D. Gradual exposure to anxiety provoking situations

41. When combining CBT and medication for anxiety disorders, therapy should:
A. Begin several weeks after starting medication
B. Wait until a full therapeutic dose is achieved
C. Be started concurrently with medication
D. Only be used if medications fail after 12 weeks

42. Cognitive distortions commonly challenged in CBT involve:
A. Catastrophizing, emotional reasoning
B. Pessimistic attitude, self-blame
C. Distorted view of responsibility, perfectionism
D. All of the above