MCQs on Congovirus

By | July 23, 2024
  • Which of the following virus families does Congovirus belong to? A) Filoviridae B) Flaviviridae C) Coronaviridae D) Rhabdoviridae E) Paramyxoviridae
  • The Congovirus outbreak in 2018-2020 primarily affected which country? A) Nigeria B) Democratic Republic of Congo C) Uganda D) Sudan E) Kenya
  • Which of the following is the primary mode of transmission for Congovirus? A) Airborne droplets B) Direct contact with bodily fluids C) Contaminated food D) Mosquito bites E) Sexual transmission
  • What is the typical incubation period for Congovirus infection? A) 1-3 days B) 2-21 days C) 30-60 days D) 3-6 months E) 1-2 years
  • Which of the following is NOT a common early symptom of Congovirus infection? A) Fever B) Fatigue C) Muscle pain D) Rash E) Headache
  • What is the gold standard diagnostic test for confirming Congovirus infection? A) Rapid antigen test B) RT-PCR C) ELISA D) Virus isolation E) Complement fixation test
  • Which of the following animal species is considered the primary reservoir for Congovirus? A) Bats B) Primates C) Rodents D) Pigs E) Birds
  • What is the case fatality rate typically associated with Congovirus outbreaks? A) 1-5% B) 10-20% C) 30-50% D) 70-90% E) >95%
  • Which of the following is the most appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE) for healthcare workers treating Congovirus patients? A) Surgical mask and gloves B) N95 respirator and goggles C) Full body suit with powered air-purifying respirator D) Standard precautions only E) Droplet precautions only
  • Which of the following is a key component of Congovirus outbreak control? A) Mass vaccination B) Contact tracing and isolation C) Vector control D) Water sanitation E) Antibiotic prophylaxis
  • Which of the following best describes the structure of the Congovirus? A) Enveloped, negative-sense single-stranded RNA virus B) Non-enveloped, double-stranded DNA virus C) Enveloped, positive-sense single-stranded RNA virus D) Non-enveloped, single-stranded RNA virus E) Enveloped, double-stranded DNA virus
  • What is the primary target cell type for Congovirus infection? A) T lymphocytes B) Hepatocytes C) Endothelial cells D) Neurons E) Alveolar macrophages
  • Which of the following laboratory findings is most characteristic of severe Congovirus infection? A) Leukocytosis B) Thrombocytosis C) Elevated liver enzymes D) Hyponatremia E) Hypercalcemia
  • What is the recommended first-line treatment for Congovirus infection? A) Ribavirin B) Remdesivir C) Supportive care and symptom management D) Interferon therapy E) Convalescent plasma
  • Which of the following complications is most commonly associated with severe Congovirus infection? A) Myocarditis B) Encephalitis C) Multiple organ failure D) Pneumothorax E) Guillain-Barré syndrome
  • What is the primary mechanism of action for experimental Congovirus vaccines? A) Induction of neutralizing antibodies against surface glycoproteins B) Stimulation of cytotoxic T-cell response C) Production of interferon-gamma D) Activation of natural killer cells E) Enhancement of innate immune response
  • Which of the following best describes the typical duration of Congovirus shedding in survivors? A) 1-2 weeks B) 2-4 weeks C) 1-3 months D) 6-12 months E) >1 year
  • What is the most appropriate infection control measure for managing Congovirus patients in healthcare settings? A) Standard precautions B) Droplet precautions C) Contact precautions D) Airborne precautions E) All of the above
  • Which of the following is a key challenge in developing therapeutics for Congovirus? A) Rapid mutation rate of the virus B) Lack of animal models C) Difficulty in culturing the virus D) Cross-reactivity with other viral infections E) Limited understanding of viral pathogenesis
  • What is the recommended method for disposing of Congovirus-contaminated waste in healthcare settings? A) Regular trash disposal B) Incineration C) Chemical disinfection only D) Autoclaving followed by regular trash disposal E) Burial in a designated biohazard landfill
  • Which of the following best describes the typical course of Congovirus infection? A) Acute onset, rapid progression, and quick recovery B) Gradual onset, prolonged illness, and slow recovery C) Acute onset, rapid progression, and potential for severe complications D) Asymptomatic in most cases with rare severe outcomes E) Chronic infection with periodic flare-ups
  • What is the primary mechanism of Congovirus-induced coagulopathy? A) Vitamin K deficiency B) Platelet dysfunction C) Endothelial cell damage and activation D) Liver failure E) Antibody-mediated destruction of clotting factors
  • Which of the following is the most appropriate sample for Congovirus RT-PCR testing during the acute phase of infection? A) Urine B) Saliva C) Blood D) Cerebrospinal fluid E) Stool
  • What is the recommended duration of sexual abstinence or protected sex for male Congovirus survivors? A) 1 month after symptom resolution B) 3 months after symptom resolution C) 6 months after symptom resolution D) 12 months after symptom resolution E) No specific recommendation
  • Which of the following best describes the role of bats in the Congovirus ecosystem? A) Dead-end hosts B) Amplifying hosts C) Reservoir hosts D) Accidental hosts E) Intermediate hosts
  • What is the primary rationale for using convalescent plasma in treating Congovirus infection? A) To provide passive immunity B) To stimulate interferon production C) To inhibit viral replication directly D) To modulate the inflammatory response E) To prevent secondary bacterial infections
  • Which of the following is a potential long-term complication observed in Congovirus survivors? A) Chronic liver disease B) Post-viral fatigue syndrome C) Persistent viremia D) Recurrent seizures E) Permanent loss of smell and taste
  • What is the most appropriate method for screening potential convalescent plasma donors for Congovirus antibodies? A) Rapid antigen test B) RT-PCR C) ELISA D) Complement fixation test E) Hemagglutination inhibition assay
  • Which of the following best describes the typical pattern of Congovirus outbreaks? A) Seasonal epidemics B) Sporadic cases with occasional clusters C) Continuous low-level transmission D) Cyclical outbreaks every 5-10 years E) One-time pandemic with subsequent eradication
  • What is the primary goal of ring vaccination strategy in Congovirus outbreak control? A) To achieve herd immunity in the general population B) To protect healthcare workers C) To contain the spread by immunizing contacts of cases D) To eradicate the virus from animal reservoirs E) To prevent vertical transmission in pregnant women
  • Which of the following best describes the mechanism of action for the experimental Congovirus treatment, REGN-EB3? A) RNA polymerase inhibitor B) Monoclonal antibody cocktail C) Interferon inducer D) Protease inhibitor E) Viral entry inhibitor
  • What is the primary reason for implementing safe burial practices during Congovirus outbreaks? A) To respect cultural traditions B) To prevent environmental contamination C) To reduce transmission risk from highly infectious cadavers D) To facilitate rapid body disposal E) To allow for postmortem diagnoses
  • Which of the following is a key challenge in developing a Congovirus vaccine? A) Antigenic drift of the virus B) Short-lived immune response in survivors C) Difficulty in producing viral antigens D) High mutation rate of surface proteins E) Cross-reactivity with other filoviruses
  • What is the most appropriate method for disinfecting surfaces potentially contaminated with Congovirus? A) 70% ethanol B) 0.5% hydrogen peroxide C) 0.1% sodium hypochlorite (bleach) D) Quaternary ammonium compounds E) UV light exposure
  • Which of the following best describes the typical radiographic findings in severe Congovirus pneumonia? A) Lobar consolidation B) Diffuse bilateral ground-glass opacities C) Cavitary lesions D) Pleural effusions E) Hilar lymphadenopathy
  • What is the primary reason for avoiding aspirin use in patients with suspected Congovirus infection? A) Risk of Reye’s syndrome B) Potential for increased bleeding due to thrombocytopenia C) Interference with viral clearance D) Masking of fever, a key diagnostic symptom E) Interaction with experimental antiviral treatments
  • Which of the following best describes the role of interferon in Congovirus pathogenesis? A) Protective throughout the course of infection B) Initially protective, but potentially harmful if overproduced C) Always harmful, suppressing necessary immune responses D) No significant role in viral pathogenesis E) Protective only in the late stages of infection
  • What is the primary reason for implementing a 42-day countdown to declare the end of a Congovirus outbreak? A) To ensure all contacts have passed the maximum incubation period B) To allow time for vaccine development C) To complete decontamination of affected areas D) To establish long-term monitoring systems E) To train new healthcare workers
  • Which of the following is a potential mechanism of Congovirus persistence in male survivors? A) Integration into host genome B) Formation of latent reservoirs in the central nervous system C) Continuous low-level replication in immune-privileged sites D) Development of drug-resistant strains E) Antigenic drift to evade immune detection
  • What is the primary rationale for using broad-spectrum antibiotics in some Congovirus patients? A) To treat the viral infection directly B) To prevent opportunistic bacterial infections C) To modulate the immune response D) To reduce gastrointestinal symptoms E) To prevent transmission to healthcare workers
  • Which of the following best describes the role of cytokine storm in severe Congovirus infection? A) Protective mechanism against viral replication B) Key factor in viral clearance C) Major contributor to organ damage and shock D) Necessary for developing long-term immunity E) Indicator of mild disease course
  • What is the primary challenge in developing point-of-care diagnostics for Congovirus? A) Lack of specific viral antigens B) Cross-reactivity with other hemorrhagic fevers C) Need for high biosafety level laboratories D) Rapid mutation of the virus E) Insufficient sensitivity in early stages of infection
  • Which of the following best describes the mechanism of action for the experimental Congovirus treatment, mAb114? A) Viral polymerase inhibitor B) Neutralizing monoclonal antibody C) Interferon inducer D) Protease inhibitor E) Viral entry inhibitor targeting host receptors
  • What is the primary reason for implementing contact tracing in Congovirus outbreaks? A) To identify the index case B) To study viral evolution C) To prevent asymptomatic spread D) To allocate healthcare resources E) To determine the effectiveness of vaccines
  • Which of the following is a potential explanation for the variable susceptibility to Congovirus infection among different bat species? A) Differences in diet B) Variations in hibernation patterns C) Distinct innate immune responses D) Geographical distribution E) Body size and metabolic rate
  • What is the primary rationale for using corticosteroids in some severe Congovirus cases? A) To directly inhibit viral replication B) To modulate the excessive inflammatory response C) To treat adrenal insufficiency caused by the virus D) To prevent secondary bacterial infections E) To reduce viral shedding
  • Which of the following best describes the role of neutralizing antibodies in Congovirus immunity? A) Short-lived and ineffective B) Primarily involved in antibody-dependent enhancement C) Key component of protective immunity D) Only effective against certain viral strains E) Harmful due to cross-reactivity with host tissues
  • What is the primary challenge in implementing ring vaccination strategies for Congovirus outbreaks? A) Vaccine shortages B) Identifying and reaching all contacts quickly C) Overcoming vaccine hesitancy D) Managing vaccine side effects E) Determining the optimal vaccination schedule
  • Which of the following best describes the mechanism of Congovirus-induced immunosuppression? A) Destruction of bone marrow B) Inhibition of interferon production C) Depletion of dendritic cells and lymphocytes D) Induction of regulatory T cells E) Suppression of complement activation
  • What is the primary reason for continuing Congovirus surveillance in animal populations? A) To develop animal vaccines B) To study viral evolution C) To identify potential sources of future outbreaks D) To understand the impact on ecosystem health E) To develop new animal models for research.