Embryology MCQs

By | December 26, 2023

1. Which statement about blastocyst is incorrect?
A) It has inner cell mass and trophoblast
B) Formed after morula stage
C) Implantation occurs at this stage
D) It lacks fluid filled cavity

2. Gastrulation leads to formation of:
A) Three germ layers
B) Neurulation
C) Limb buds
D) Neural crest cells

3. Notochord induces formation of:
A) Somites
B) Vertebral column
C) Lens of eye
D) Heart

4. Cloacal membrane divides cloaca into:
A) Rectum and anus
B) Urinary bladder and urethra
C) Uterus and vagina
D) Ovaries and testes

5. Yolk sac forms extraembryonic:
A) Amnion
B) Chorion
C) Allantois
D) Mesoderm

6. Structure differentiated from intermediate mesoderm is:
A) Nephrons
B) Blood
C) Lymph
D) Heart

7. Fate of dorsal mesoderm is:
A) Skin and muscle
B) Notochord
C) Somites
D) Limb bone marrow

8. Germ cell migration occurs through:
A) Yolk sac
B) Urogential ridge
C) Dorsal mesentery
D) Hindgut

9. Critical period of genital tubercle development is:
A) 4th week
B) 6th week
C) 8th week
D) 10th week

10. Structure connecting umbilical vesicle to yolk sac is:
A) Allantois
B) Chorion
C) Amnion
D) Vitelline duct

11. Site of testis descent is:
A) Deep inguinal ring
B) Superficial inguinal ring
C) External abdominal ring
D) Scrotum

12. Lining of coelomic cavity is known as:
A) Mesoderm
B) Endoderm
C) Ectoderm
D) Mesothelium

13. Pharyngeal arch artery giving rise to maxillary artery is:
A) 1st
B) 2nd
C) 3rd
D) 4th

14. Structure associated with cloacal membrane is:
A) Urethral folds
B) MĂĽllerian duct
C) Seminal vesicles
D) Wolffian duct

15. Trophoblast differentiation gives rise to:
A) Cytotrophoblast
B) Synctiotrophoblast
C) Chorion
D) All of the above

16. Process leads to formation of amniotic cavity is:
A) Implantation
B) Gastrulation
C) Neurulation
D) Blastulation

17. Notochord develops from:
A) Ectoderm
B) Mesoderm
C) Endoderm
D) Prochordal plate

18. In humans, pronephros differentiates into:
A) Metanephros
B) Mesonephros
C) Kidney
D) Urachus

19. Fertilization occurs in:
A) Ovary
B) Uterus
C) Fallopian tube
D) Cervix

20. Folds appear on neural plate during:
A) Neurulation
B) Gastrulation
C) Blastulation
D) Implantation

21. Structure where umbilical cord inserts is:
A) Placenta
B) Chorion
C) Amnion
D) Yolk sac

22. Wolffian duct in male differentiates to form:
A) Epididymis
B) Vas deferens
C) Seminal vesicle
D) Prostate

23. Site of implantation of blastocyst is:
A) Endometrium
B) Myometrium
C) Broad ligament
D) Cervix

24. Structure formed from lateral plate mesoderm is:
A) Notochord
B) Somite
C) Limb bud
D) Urinary bladder

25. Female gonad differentiates into:
A) Ovary
B) Testis
C) Oviduct
D) Vagina

26. Conduction system of heart arises from:
A) Cardiac jelly
B) Endocardial tubes
C) Myocardium
D) Epicardium

27. Neural crest cells give rise to:
A) Bone
B) Adrenal medulla
C) Spinal ganglia
D) All of the above

28. Receptor for sonic hedgehog is:
A) Patched
B) Indian hedgehog
C) Pax1/9
D) Wnt

29. Site of gubernacular descent of testis is :
A) Deep inguinal ring
B) Superficial inguinal ring
C) External iliac ring
D) Scrotum

30. Process that transforms neural plate to neural tube is:
A) Neurulation
B) Gastrulation
C) Organogenesis
D) Histogenesis

31. Structure carrying waste products from embryo is:
A) Umbilical vein
B) Umbilical artery
C) Allantois
D) Yolk sac

32. Site of testosterone production is:
A) Leydig cells
B) Sertoli cells
C) Interstitial cells
D) Spermatozoa

33. Formation of secondary oocyte occurs in:
A) Ovary
B) Uterus
C) Fallopian tube
D) Vagina

34. Segmental vessel gives rise to:
A) Umbilical artery
B) Axillary artery
C) Common iliac artery
D) Internal iliac artery

35. Site of primordial germ cell migration is:
A) Endodermal layer
B) ectoderm
C) Mesoderm
D) notochord

36. Divisions of embryonic period are:
A) Germinal, fetal, neonatal
B) Germinal, embryonic, fetal
C) Embryonic, fetal, neonatal
D) Germinal, embryonic, neonatal

37. Cells contributing to formation of decidua are:
A) Fibroblasts
B) Monocytes
C) Leukocytes
D) Trophoblasts

38. Opening between abdominal cavity and umbilical cord is:
A) Umbilical ring
B) Umbilical hiatus
C) Urachus
D) Umbilical arteries

39. Membrane enclosing embryo is:
A) Amnion
B) Chorion
C) Allantois
D) Yolk sac

40. Process occurring at 4-5 weeks is:
A) Implantation
B) Organogenesis
C) Fetal circulation
D) Neurulation

41. Structure crossed by embryonal arteries is:
A) Somites
B) Post oct dermatome
C) Notochord
D) Intermediate mesoderm

42. Early development up to day 14 is termed:
A) Embryonic
B) Fetal
C) Neonatal
D) Germinal

43. Lining of coelom is formed from:
A) Hypoblast
B) Epiblast
C) Mesoderm
D) Endoderm

44. Neural crest migrates from:
A) Neural plate border
B) Primitive knot
C) Primitive groove
D) Neural folds

45. First sign of embryonic development is:
A) Implantation
B) Formation of morula
C) Gastrulation
D) Neurulation

46. Membrane enclosing embryo is:
A) Amnion
B) Chorion
C) Yolk sac
D) Allantois

47. Process of invagination:
A) Morulation
B) Gastrulation
C) Neurulation
D) Organogenesis

48. Structure forms from splanchnopleur:
A) Notochord
B) Somites
C) Gut tube
D) Kidney

49. Structure leads to formation of intraembryonic mesoderm:
A) Neurulation
B) notochord
C) primitive groove
D) primitive node

50. Germ cell marker is:
A) Oct3/4
B) Hox genes

51. Secondary oocyte is released from:
A) Ovary
B) Oviduct
C) Uterus
D) Vagina

52. Communication between amniotic cavity and yolk sac closes on:
A) 14 days
B) 21 days
C) 28 days
D) 3 months