Medical and Dental Jobs in NHS Scotland
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NHS Borders
Borders NHS Board is responsible for improving the health of the people of the Scottish Borders. The Borders is a rural area with Hawick and Galashiels are the largest towns.
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Dumfries & Galloway has 9 community hospitals and 2 main acute services hospitals.
NHS Dumfries & Galloway provides health care and promotes healthy living for the people of Dumfries & Galloway.
The population served is just 146,500,
NHS Education for Scotland (NES)
NHS Education for Scotland (NES) aims to improve the clinical skills of the NHS Scotland staff through various training courses.
Grampian NHS Board serves the half-million people who live in in Grampian with central responsibility for protection and promotion of public health.
Aberdeen University and The Robert Gordon University are linked with NHS Grampian particularly in the fields of research, workforce planning and training.
NHS Highland provides community service through Community Hospital Services, GP Hospital Services, Community Child Health, Sexual Health Service etc .There are 74 GP Practices , 45 Dental Practices, 46 Pharmacists and 23 Optometrists’ Practices
Lanarkshire NHS Board covers the local population of some 563,000 people living within the local authority boundaries of North Lanarkshire and South Lanarkshire. The health status within Lanarkshire is facing a challenge of higher rates of illness and premature deaths from: coronary heart disease; stroke; and cancers – improving this position remains the greatest challenge facing the Health Board.
Lothian NHS Board is the second largest of Scotland’s health boards: serves a population of approximately 784,000 living within a catchments of 700 square miles. Its principal role is to protect and improve the health of the people of Lothian and to plan services for the local population.
North Glasgow University Hospitals Division
NHS Greater Glasgow
In the NHSGG, provide a full range of healthcare to 870,000 people .
South Glasgow University Hospitals Division
Find the jobs in SGUHD
Orkney is an archipelago of over 70 islands, 17 of which are inhabited with population of under 20,000.NHS orkney staff number is 600 .
Shetland NHS Board is responsible for health care of population of 23,000 through local Hospital and Community Services .
NHS Tayside serves primary care and secondary care services across Tayside to a population of approximately 400,000 with close links to Universities in Dundee. NHS Tayside has a staff of approximately 14,000 and a budget of £562million.
Tayside University Hospital Trusts
The NHS Board serves a population of 26,500 residents, which increases in the summer months due to an influx of tourists from all over the world.