Operative dentistry

By | May 21, 2015

Radicular cyst

Radicular cyst or Odontogenic keratocyst

Interesting case report of 55 year old patient, which on clinical examination seems to be Odontogenic cyst but on histological examination was radicular cyst. Article published in Indian Journal of Multidisciplinary Dentistry, Vol. 3, Issue 3, May-July 2013


Cysts of the Jaws

Cysts are the space occupying lesions and share some common features with tumors. Informative article is written by Charles Dunlop of University of Missouri-Kansas City School of Dentistry.

Front Page

Radicular cyst of anterior Maxilla

Radicular cyst is the inflammatory cyst in response to caries. This is the case report of radicular cyst in maxillary anterior region by Dexter Brave published in INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF DENTAL CLINICS VOLUME3 ISSUE 2APRIL – JUNE2011


Cysts of the Jaws  imaging

This document discusses the radiological imaging findings of different types of cysts of Jaws by N. Serman


Odontogenic cysts: a clinical study of 90 cases

By Banu Gurkan Koseoglu published in Journal of Oral Science, Vol. 46, No. 4, 253-257, 2004


Odontogenic Cysts

The document has information on the types, etiology and treatment of the odontogenic cysts.


Clinical Pathology:Odontogenic and Nonodontogenic Tumors of the Jaws

One of the chapters available free online from some dental book published by Elsevier company.


Non-odontogenic Cysts

Dr. Ioannis G. Koutlas, Division of Oral Pathology



Procelain fracture

Why procelain breaks and chips?

Ten factors to consider in the restorative process

Home Page 2018

Why procelain breaks?

By John C. Cranham, DDS.


Replacing Fractured Porcelain on a Bridge

Step by step instructions


Analysis of Fracture in Porcelain Enamels

By Kyla McKinley, Holger Evele, Charles Baldwin


Guidelines to minimize procelain fractures

By John Nosti, DMD, FAGD, FACE


Porcelain veneers  20 years later


Fracture of Dental Materials

By Karl-Johan Söderholm


Mesial migration of right central incisor

The Developing Occlusion

Hosted by the University of Columbia


On tooth movements and associated tissue alterations related to edentulous areas and bone defects

Swedish Dental Journal Supplement 214, 2011


Migration foiiowing crown-iengthening procedure

A case report


Histology of bone

Summary notes


Cervical caries

Etiology of dental caries lecture
Prof Dr Sulafa El Samarrai, University of Baghdad

Prevention of dental caries presentation

57 slides presentation and covers every aspect of role of fluoride in prevention of dental caries. By Dr. Glenn Minah, Pediatric dentistry.

Treatment of Anterior Teeth for Approximal Caries Trauma Hypoplasia Discolouration

Multimedia lecture with text and pictures.

Management of cervical lesions

University of Baghdad

Root caries restoration

Presentation slides in PDF. School of dentistry, University of Minnesota.

 Management of early carious lesions

By Queen’s University, Belfast

Dental Caries

Is an infectious disease caused by bacteria mostly streptococcus mutant and lactobacilli. These bacteria when gets substrate i.e carbohydrate containing foods, release acids by metabolization of refined carbohydrates and acids starts dissolving calcified structures of tooth causing demineralization and when enough minerals gets dissolved the surface of tooth breaks down and produce cavitations.

Factors responsible for caries:

  1. Bacterial plaque: plaque is soft, tenaciously attached material on the tooth surface consisting of bacteria and their end products. Once these bacteria adhere to tooth surface, they proliferate and spread laterally and form mat like covering over the tooth surface plaque becomes mature by colonization of sufficient amount of bacteria then these plaque bacteria rapidly metabolizes carbohydrate (sucrose), produces acids resulting in sudden drop of pH causing demineralization. Demineralization occurs at pH of 5.0 to 5.5.
  2. Carbohydrate substrate.
  3. Susceptible tooth sites.
  4. Decrease salivary flow.

Enamel caries:

  • Incipient caries:

Incipient is initial carious lesion confined to enamel only, surface of the enamel is intact while minerals from subsurface gets dissolved, clinically it appears as smooth, chalky white in color when it is air dried only. This initial lesion may be reversed by remineralization.

  • Arrested caries:

Carious lesion that becomes arrested because of remineralization effect, clinically it appears as intact but discolored usually brown, black in color and hard in texture. These arrested caries are more resistant to caries attack. They should not be restored unless they are esthetically demanding.

Dentinal caries:

Caries progress much faster in dentin then enamel because dentin contains less minerals and possesses microscopic tubules that allows ingress of acid and egress of minerals. That’s why dentin caries has much less resistance to acid attack.