MCQs on eating disorders

By | December 21, 2023

1. All are considered core features of anorexia nervosa EXCEPT:
A. Intense fear of gaining weight
B. Distorted body image
C. Excessive exercising
D. Significant weight gain

2. Restricting type anorexia nervosa is characterized by:
A. Binge eating followed by vomiting
B. Laxative or diuretic misuse
C. Restricting food intake without compensation
D. Night eating syndrome

3. Which eating disorder has the highest mortality rate?
A. Anorexia nervosa
B. Bulimia nervosa
C. Avoidant restrictive food intake disorder
D. Binge eating disorder

4. Body mass index over 30 kg/m2 is required for diagnosis of:
A. Anorexia nervosa
B. Bulimia nervosa
C. Binge eating disorder
D. Avoidant restrictive food intake disorder

5. Laxative abuse is a core feature seen in:
A. Binge eating disorder
B. Night eating syndrome
C. Bulimia nervosa
D. Rumination disorder

6. SSRI antidepressants are first-line treatment for which eating disorder:
A. Anorexia nervosa, restricting type
B. Bulimia nervosa
C. Binge eating disorder
D. Other specified feeding or eating disorder

7. BED is differentiated from bulimia nervosa by the absence of:
A. Compensatory behaviors
B. Overvaluation of weight/shape
C. Distress regarding binge eating
D. Binge eating weekly for 3 months

8. Cognitive behavioral therapy focused on changing core eating disorder cognitions is effective treatment for:
A. All eating disorders
B. Bulimia nervosa only
C. Binge eating disorder only
D. Anorexia nervosa, binge-purge subtype only

9. Excessive concerns with eating organic, unprocessed, and gluten/dairy-free foods without an associated medical condition may characterize:
A. Anorexia nervosa
B. Avoidant/restrictive food intake disorder
C. Pica
D. Bulimia nervosa

10. The pharmacotherapy acamprosate shows promise as an augmenting agent for reducing:
A. Binge eating in BED when added to CBT
B. Purging behaviors in bulimia nervosa
C. Ritualized eating behaviors in ARFID
D. Hyperphagia in Prader-Willi syndrome

11. Low potassium and magnesium as complications are seen most often with:
A. Anorexia nervosa, binge-purge subtype
B. Bulimia nervosa
C. Binge eating disorder
D. Avoidant/restrictive food intake disorder

12. High concern for gaining weight and avoidance of fattening foods differentiate OSFED from:
A. Bulimia nervosa
B. Binge eating disorder
C. Substance use disorder
D. Depression

13. Among females, eating disorders typically emerge during:
A. Childhood
B. Adolescence
C. Early adulthood
D. Middle adulthood

14. Compared to DSM-IV, DSM-5 broadened the ARFID criteria to deemphasize the role of:
A. Nutritional deficiencies
B. Co-occurring psychiatric conditions
C. Weight criteria
D. Age of onset

15. Which neurotransmitter system is thought to contribute to binge eating behavior and is targeted by FDA approved pharmacotherapies?
A. Dopaminergic
B. Serotonergic
C. Orexinergic
D. GABAergic

16. Increased risk of suicide attempts is a key concern associated with:
A. Bulimia nervosa
B. Anorexia nervosa, binge-purge subtype

17. Exposure and response prevention is a type of treatment shown effective for:
A. Food restriction in AN
B. Binge eating in BED
C. Purging behaviors in BN
D. All of the above

18. Early onset of an eating disorder before age 21 carries increased risk of:
A. Obesity later in life
B. Substance use disorders
C. Medical complications
D. Chronicity of eating disorder

19. Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors are considered first line for:
A. Anorexia nervosa, restricting type
B. Bulimia nervosa
C. Binge eating disorder
D. All of the above

20. Cognitive deficits seen in eating disorders involve problems with:
A. Flexible thinking
B. Risk assessment
C. Impulse control
D. Decision making

21. Distorted body schema on neuroimaging is seen most commonly in:
A. Binge eating disorder
B. Bulimia nervosa
C. Anorexia nervosa
D. Avoidant/restrictive food intake disorder

22. Cognitive remediation therapy aims to address:
A. Low self-esteem
B. Impulsivity
C. Rigidity and detail focus
D. Interpersonal problems

23. Males account for approximately what percentage of eating disorder cases:
A. 1-2%
B. 5-10%
C. 10-20%
D. 20-30%

24. Atypical antipsychotics have shown benefit as augmenting agents for:
A. Food restriction in anorexia nervosa
B. Purging behaviors in bulimia nervosa
C. Binge eating in BED
D. Body dysmorphic concerns

25. Distorted body image is a core diagnostic criterion for all eating disorders except:
A. Bulimia nervosa
B. Binge eating disorder
D. Anorexia nervosa, binge-purge type

26. Behavioral consequences of excessive dietary restriction common to ARFID and AN include:
A. Dental enamel erosion
B. Hypovolemia
C. Amenorrhea
D. Hypokalemia/hypophosphatemia

27. OSFED and UFED eating disorder subcategories replace the DSM-IV diagnosis of:
A. Pica
B. Rumination disorder
C. Night eating syndrome
D. Eating disorder NOS

28. Food restriction should not be included in diagnostic criteria for BED because:
A. It is not motivated by desire to lose weight
B. Patients do not describe fear of weight gain
C. It may mimic disordered eating seen in typical dieters
D. Dietary restraint is not shown to respond to CBT

29. Pharmacological treatment of anorexia nervosa targets deficiencies in:
A. Dopamine signaling
B. Norepinephrine signaling
C. Serotonin signaling
D. Neurotrophic signaling

30. Binge eating episodes in BED are characterized by all of the following EXCEPT:
A. Eating unusually large amount of food within a couple hours
B. Sense of lack of control over eating
C. Regular self-induced vomiting post-binge
D. Marked distress regarding binge eating