MCQs on Disruptive Mood Dysregulation Disorder:

By | December 21, 2023

1. DMDD was introduced in DSM-5 to address issues with the diagnosis of:
A. Bipolar disorder in children
C. OCD in children
D. PTSD in children

2. The core diagnostic features of DMDD include:
A. Periods of abnormally elevated or irritable mood
B. Severe, recurrent temper outbursts
C. Symptoms present for at least 12 months
D. All of the above

3. Which age group is DMDD primarily diagnosed in?:
A. 6-12 years old
B. 13-18 years old
C. 18 years and older
D. Lifespan diagnosis

4. One criterion that distinguishes DMDD from ODD is:
A. Severity and frequency of temper outbursts
B. Presence of depressed mood between outbursts
C. Onset before 10 years of age
D. All of the above

5. The relationship between DMDD and bipolar disorder has been debated. DMDD specifically rules out a diagnosis of:
A. Bipolar I disorder
B. Bipolar II disorder
C. Cyclothymia
D. Hypomania

6. All are considered effective treatment approaches for DMDD EXCEPT:
A. Parent management training
B. Stimulant medication
C. SSRI antidepressants
D. Mood stabilizers

7. Pharmacotherapy for DMDD may include which class of agents?:
A. Antidepressants
B. Stimulants
C. Atypical antipsychotics
D. All of the above

8. DMDD correlated best with markers of:
A. Serotonin dysfunction
B. Dopamine dysfunction
C. Norepinephrine dysfunction
D. Hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis dysfunction

9. Children with DMDD have shown abnormalities in which region of the brain?:
A. Prefrontal cortex
B. Amygdala
C. Hippocampus
D. Nucleus accumbens

10. All are associated conditions seen more commonly alongside DMDD EXCEPT:
A. Oppositional defiant disorder
B. Generalized anxiety disorder
C. Autism spectrum disorder
D. Alzheimer’s disease

11. Compared to children with ODD, those with DMDD have shown which pattern?
A. Increased depressive symptoms
B. More impulsivity and aggression
C. Better social functioning
D. Higher IQ

12. When diagnosing DMDD versus other disorders, severity and frequency of temper outbursts must be assessed as:
A. Clinically impairing
B. Above peers
C. Responsive to environmental triggers
D. In multiple settings

13. DMDD has been linked to differences in which brain region involved in emotion regulation?:
A. Amygdala
B. Hippocampus
C. Prefrontal cortex
D. Nucleus accumbens

14. Individual psychotherapy is considered a first-line adjunctive treatment for DMDD to address:
A. Cognition
B. Family dynamics
C. Social skills training
D. All of the above

15. Which class of medication has shown mixed efficacy for DMDD?:
A. Second generation antipsychotics
B. Stimulants
D. Mood stabilizers

16. The core feature of emotional dysregulation seen in DMDD is thought to primarily involve dysfunction of:
A. Serotonergic neurotransmission
B. Dopaminergic neurotransmission
C. Norepinephrine neurotransmission
D. HPA axis reactivity

17. Studies have found DMDD has significant genetic overlap with:
A. Bipolar disorder
B. Borderline personality disorder
C. Schizophrenia
D. Conduct disorder

18. Neuropsychological abnormalities seen more commonly in DMDD involve:
A. Declarative memory encoding and retrieval
B. Impulse control and response inhibition
C. Spatial learning ability
D. Nonverbal problem solving skills

19. Studies have linked DMDD severity to levels of:
A. Serotonin
C. Cortisol
D. Norepinephrine

20. Cognitive features that distinguish DMDD from ODD include:
A. Hostile attribution bias
B. Inflexible thinking patterns
C. Diminished empathy
D. All of the above

21. First-line psychosocial treatment for DMDD is:
A. Cognitive behavioral therapy
B. SSRI medications
C. Parent training
D. Stimulant therapy

22. Diagnosis of DMDD requires all but which factor?:
A. Severe recurrent temper outbursts
B. Depressed mood between outbursts
C. Onset before age 10
D. Presence of bipolar features

23. Compared to ODD, DMDD has been shown to have a(n):
A. Earlier age of onset
B. Worse prognosis
C. Stronger genetic component
D. Higher male predominance

24. SSRI medications may target symptoms of DMDD through effects on:
A. Serotonin reuptake
B. Cortisol signaling
C. Inflammatory pathways
D. All of the above

25. Research suggests DMDD may involve structural and functional abnormalities primarily within the:
A. Prefrontal cortex
B. Subgenual anterior cingulate
C. Hippocampus
D. Amygdala

26. Symptom provocation paradigms have found children with DMDD exhibit greater:
A. Aggression and hostility
B. Risk aversion
C. Depressive symptoms
D. Anxiety

27. Stimulant medications may help target DMDD symptoms through effects on:
A. Serotonin and norepinephrine
B. Dopamine and epinephrine
C. Acetylcholine and histamine
D. GABA and glutamate

28. Diagnosis of DMDD may be appropriate for a 10-year old with severe and frequent temper outbursts but absence of:
A. Depressed mood between episodes
B. Symptom onset after age 10
C. Functional impairment
D. Familial risk factors

29. Cognitive defects seen more commonly in DMDD than ODD involve:
A. Impulse control and emotion regulation
B. Verbal memory and fluency
C. Spatial processing and motor skills
D. Nonverbal problem solving

30. All are supported first-line psychotherapy options for DMDD EXCEPT:
C. Psychoanalysis
D. Parent management training