Category Archives: mcqs

Physiology MCQs

  Basic human physiology Basic human physiology 2 Contains more than 50 questions. Endocrine physiology Respiratory and renal physiology

Dentistry MCQs

Operative dentistry Mcqs It’s Final year BDS class 2007 paper with answer key by University of health Sciences. Science of Dental Materials By University of health Sciences, Lahore. Endodontics MCQs Endodontics Mcqs by King Saud University. Endodontics: Infection Control and Coronal Seal  More than 20 Mcqs by King Saud University. Periodontal Mcqs

Endocrinology MCQs

1. Which hormone is responsible for regulating blood sugar levels? a) Insulin b) Glucagon c) Thyroxine d) Estrogen 2. The master gland of the endocrine system is the: a) Thyroid gland b) Pancreas c) Pituitary gland d) Adrenal gland 3. Which hormone is known as the “stress hormone”? a) Estrogen b) Cortisol c) Progesterone d)… Read More »

Infectious diseases Mcqs

Infectious Diseases Self assessment questions Turner White Communications Tetanus Immunity A large collection of clinical cases and mcqs for tetanus immunity . Developed by Parker A. Small, Jr, MD . J. Edwin Blalock, PhD Department of Immunology and Medical Microbiology College of Medicine University of Florida Gainesville, Florida Influenza: Serologic Diagnosis and Epidemiology A Patient-Oriented… Read More »

Pharmacology Mcqs

Pharmacology MCQs 65 questions from 2009 pharmacology paper. Tulane Pharmacology Interactive Case based questions on chapters mentioned above by the Department of Pharmacology Tulane University School of Medicine. Renal pharmacology Self assessment questions on renal pharmacology INTRODUCTION TO MEDICAL PHARMACOLOGY Drug dosage calculation quiz Helpful for the nurses and health professionals IV Flow Rates… Read More »