Author Archives: drsheraz

Multiple Choice Questions on Schizophrenia

1. Which symptom is not considered to be a core symptom of schizophrenia? A. Delusions B. Disorganized speech C. Depression D. Hallucinations 2. Which is a negative symptom of schizophrenia? A. Auditory hallucinations B. Poverty of speech C. Paranoid delusions D. Disorganized behavior 3. Which neurotransmitter is most strongly implicated in the pathophysiology of schizophrenia?… Read More »

Multiple Choice Questions on Developmental Abnormalities

1. Trisomy 21 is also known as: A. Down syndrome B. Klinefelter syndrome C. Fragile X syndrome D. Turner syndrome 2. Cleft lip occurs due to failed fusion of which embryonic structures? A. Palate B. Brain hemispheres C. Limb buds D. Neural tube 3. Spina bifida involves defective closure of the: A. Palate B. Chest… Read More »

Multiple Choice Questions on Comparative Embryology

1. Birds hatch from eggs laid by female, which process of development is this an example of? A) Oviparity B) Viviparity C) Ovoviviparity D) Parthenogenesis 2. Cows and humans show which type of embryonic development? A) Oviparity B) Viviparity C) Ovoviviparity D) Parthenogenesis 3. Reptiles exhibit primarily which mode of reproduction? A) Oviparity B) Viviparity… Read More »

Multiple Choice Questions on Organogenesis

1. Which process involves invagination and involution leading to formation of organ rudiments? A. Neurulation B. Gastrulation C. Organogenesis D. Histogenesis 2. Which organ develops from endodermal lung bud outgrowth? A. Heart B. Liver C. Lung D. Pancreas 3. Which organ develops from gut regionalization? A. Liver B. Lung C. Pancreas D. All of the… Read More »

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) MCQs

1. What is the estimated lifetime prevalence of PTSD in the general population? A. 1-2% B. 3-6% C. 8-10% D. 12-15% 2. Which type of traumatic event is most commonly associated with PTSD? A. Motor vehicle accidents B. Combat exposure C. Rape or sexual assault D. Natural disasters 3. The typical onset of symptoms following… Read More »

Embryology MCQs

1. Which statement about blastocyst is incorrect? A) It has inner cell mass and trophoblast B) Formed after morula stage C) Implantation occurs at this stage D) It lacks fluid filled cavity 2. Gastrulation leads to formation of: A) Three germ layers B) Neurulation C) Limb buds D) Neural crest cells 3. Notochord induces formation… Read More »

Multiple-Choice Questions (MCQs) on Dental Anatomy

1. Which tooth is considered the longest tooth in the permanent dentition? a) Maxillary central incisor b) Mandibular central incisor c) Maxillary canine d) Mandibular canine 2. The crown of a tooth is covered by a layer called: a) Cementum b) Dentin c) Enamel d) Pulp 3. Which tooth is known as the “wisdom tooth”?… Read More »

Multiple Choice Questions about the Femoral Artery

1. The femoral artery supplies blood to the: A) Head B) Lower limbs C) Abdominal organs D) Heart 2. The femoral artery is a branch of the: A) Abdominal aorta B) Common iliac artery C) External iliac artery D) Internal iliac artery 3. The femoral artery passes through which opening in the hip bone? A)… Read More »

MCQs about systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE)

1. Which autoantibody is most commonly associated with SLE? A) Rheumatoid factor B) Antinuclear antibody C) Anti-CCP antibody D) Cryoglobulins 2. Which of the following is NOT a common clinical manifestation of SLE? A) Arthritis B) Vasculitis C) Optic neuritis D) Sjogren’s syndrome 3. Which organ system is most commonly affected in SLE? A) Pulmonary… Read More »

MCQs on Metastatic tumors

1. Which of the following is the most common site of breast cancer metastases? a) Liver b) Lungsc) Braind) Bone 2. Positron emission tomography (PET) uses a radioactive drug to identify which of the following in suspected cancer sites?a) Oxygen usage b) Glucose metabolismc) Blood flowd) Protein expression 3. Which imaging test is considered the… Read More »

MCQs on wearable biosensors

1. Which of the following is an example of a wearable biosensor? A) Thermometer B) Stethoscope C) Fitbit D) MRI machine 2. What type of data can photoplethysmography sensors measure? A) Heart rate B) Blood pressure C) Blood glucose levels D) Body temperature 3. Which part of the body are pulse oximetry sensors typically worn… Read More »

MCQs on Regenerative Medicine

1. Which of the following utilizes properties of adult stem cells? A) Gene therapy B) Tissue engineering C) Regenerative medicine 2. Platelet-rich plasma injections are used to aid healing of what types of tissues? A) Bones B) Nerves C) Skin D) Tendons 3. The goal of tissue engineering is to: A) Repair tissues B) Develop… Read More »

Doctors’ Jobs in Brazil

In Brazil, the requirements for medical professionals are governed by the national regulatory body, the Federal Council of Medicine (Conselho Federal de Medicina or CFM), and its state counterparts. To practice as a doctor in Brazil, individuals must fulfill the following key requirements: Medical Degree: Prospective doctors must graduate from a recognized medical school in… Read More »

MCQs on eating disorders

1. All are considered core features of anorexia nervosa EXCEPT: A. Intense fear of gaining weight B. Distorted body image C. Excessive exercising D. Significant weight gain 2. Restricting type anorexia nervosa is characterized by: A. Binge eating followed by vomiting B. Laxative or diuretic misuse C. Restricting food intake without compensation D. Night eating… Read More »

MCQs on Disruptive Mood Dysregulation Disorder:

1. DMDD was introduced in DSM-5 to address issues with the diagnosis of: A. Bipolar disorder in children B. ADHD C. OCD in children D. PTSD in children 2. The core diagnostic features of DMDD include: A. Periods of abnormally elevated or irritable mood B. Severe, recurrent temper outbursts C. Symptoms present for at least… Read More »

MCQs on Depression

1. A 40-year-old widowed man describes feeling sad most of the day, decreased appetite, insomnia, fatigue, worthlessness. This matches the diagnosis of: 2. Depression is more common in which gender: A. Males B. Females C. Equal between males and females 3. Depressed mood that occurs in a seasonal pattern would be most characteristic of: A.… Read More »

MCQs on borderline personality disorder

1. Which is NOT considered a core symptom of BPD according to DSM-5 criteria? A) Frantic efforts to avoid abandonment B) Identity disturbance C) Depressed mood D) Unstable and intense interpersonal relationships 2. Impulsivity in areas that are self-damaging such as spending, sex, substance abuse, reckless driving, binge eating is a hallmark feature of BPD.… Read More »

MCQs on bipolar disorder

1. Bipolar disorder involves periods of extreme low mood (depression) alternating with periods of abnormally elevated mood (mania/hypomania). True or false? A. True B. False 2. Which is NOT considered a core symptom of mania/hypomania in bipolar disorder? A. Grandiosity B. Depressive symptoms C. Reduced need for sleep D. Distractibility 3. Bipolar disorder is most… Read More »

MCQs on Autism Spectrum Disorder

1. ASD is characterized by difficulties in which three main areas? A) Social skills, communication, rigid behaviors B) Intelligence, emotions, motor skills C) Attention, learning, memory D) Sensory processing, motor skills, flexibility 2. Early red flags of ASD may include lack of which skills? A) Joint attention, pretend play B) Eye contact, social smiling C)… Read More »